Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 66 total)

  • RE: Convert 2003-01-08 00:00:00 into 08/01/2003

    Confuse it not, data with presentation ! Different they are!

    A true jedi will not let the presentation of the data confuse him with the value stored.

    Stored data, no format...

  • RE: Creating Relations with T-SQL

    Relationships are a true tool of the Jedi.

    Not to be taken lightly! Created once, they must be. Not altered or maintained day to day. Set in stone!...

  • RE: Help With DateTime Values

    hmmmm. Complicated replies, indeed.

    The answer, as always, depends: This data, how it is stored? Properly or not?

    More information, you must provide.

  • RE: correlated sub query

    Ah, an INSERT you seek.

    A SELECT it is, only with a clear destination ! No difference otherwise!

    The same syntax applies:

    INSERT INTO DestTable

    SELECT ID, (SELECT .. FROM SomeOtherTable WHERE ..)...

  • RE: keyword as a field name

    Avoid reserved words, you should.

    If avoidable it is not, then seek the power of the proper delimiter. Result desired, square brackets will provide:

    select [order] from yourtable

    A true jedi will...

  • RE: SQL Injection in stored procedure

    Dynamic SQL, there is no need.

    A user-defined function, trivial to write, returns results desired.

    Seek and you shall find the answer:

    SQL injection, a serious possibility. Avoid it you...

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 66 total)