Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)

  • RE: Four Rules for NULLs

    Any quote from the NY Times must be treated with a skeptical eye, because what they print might be true.  In ANSI-SQL 'NY Times' = 'true' yeilds 'Unknown'.

  • RE: Certification Thoughts - Part II

    Wayne, you defined the problem.  Better feedback from the test provider (MS) on strengths and/or weaknesses and not just a raw score would help.  Having extra "endorsements" would also the...

  • RE: Coding Standards Part 2 - Formatting

    Let me see if I got this right.  Crystal Reports can't handle changes to your schema so it's time to make developers lives more dificult.  Let me suggest...

  • RE: Coding Standards Part 2 - Formatting

    You hit the nail on the head and is what I've been evangelizing about for years. I also detest the aliasing format of SomeColumn As SomeOtherName and prefer the style...

  • RE: Coding Standards Part 2 - Formatting

    Yo are correct -- it's a crutch.  There are many things Query Builder can't handle -- like tha case statement or return multiple results or receive xml for the import...

  • RE: Coding Standards Part 2 - Formatting

    Liked/agreed with pretty much everything but the prefix v on the views.  I use the suffix "_v" and it gets the point acrosss without getting in the way. 

    Same with stored...

  • RE: Certification Thoughts - Part II

    Unions and programming don't mix.  With the plumber or electrician the pipes/wires have to be local to the plumber of electrician.  That isn't the case for our line of work.  I can...

  • RE: Certification Thoughts - Part II

    We should agree on the basic fact that certification <> practical knowledge.  It's true that, for certification purposes, you have to poke into areas of SQL Server that you don't use very often. ...

  • RE: need newest date also

    You might try

    select count(1) icnt, item, max(datecolumn) from Log group by item order by item

  • RE: Display or Limit Records Based Upon Users Credential

    Are all users employees?  I see a lot of overlap in those tables in the displayed columns.  You could combine the tables into one table or, if all users are...

  • RE: Naming Conventions

    The thing I find missing from this discussion is how to handle object names. I've had great success using the format [object]_[action].

    Object is the object which is being...

Viewing 11 posts - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)