Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)

  • RE: Ready Made Code Snippet Tool Box Courtesy of SCOM


    Try a search for sp_spaceused on all management packs on your target server. I beieve it will be in one of the core system packs.

  • RE: Ready Made Code Snippet Tool Box Courtesy of SCOM

    did you also look through the discovery management packs? the SQL packs usually are in pairs, one for dscovery, one for monitoring. do a quick search through all of them...

  • RE: T-SQL to check what backup jobs are setup

    hi joe. this snippet should help get you started.

    select, sjs.next_run_date, sjs.next_run_time

    from msdb..sysjobs sj

    inner join msdb..sysjobschedules sjs on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    inner join msdb..sysschedules ss on ss.schedule_id = sjs.schedule_id

    order by...

  • RE: Unique constraint but data values have changed!

    hi david.

    if i understand your post, you are struggling with a way to associate the old and new code within the same row in a tbale, correct?

    if so, would it...

  • RE: How to Archive Error log????

    we have a job in sql agent that runs every hour and checks the size of the error log. if the log size gets over 2mb, we recycle. i got...

  • RE: Guest Editorial: That ain't a Database, it's a Spreadsheet

    nice eitorial today Phil. we recently experienced that very scenario, where the design did not scale up very well. when we were finally called into action to investigate, our reaction...

  • RE: The Ebb and Flow of Community

    same here. i would add that it is hard to define the difference between "company time" and "my time", as I am expected to be available at all hours anyway....

  • RE: The Ebb and Flow of Community

    i would love to write more and be able to answer questions, but by the time i read a lot of questions on this or other forums, most of them...

  • RE: How to support development machines?

    it sounds like the environment itself forces you to be in a reactive mode, so there may not be much else for you to do in terms of being proactive....

  • RE: How do YOU use VIEWs?

    in our shop, we see views used and misused. the worst examples are the ones you have already outlined here, such as nested views. but you can also have issue...

  • RE: Which logins are being used

    Robert Phillips (9/4/2008)

    The users will login to SQL server with their windows account Domain\Username but in SQL we may only have windows groups setup (i.e. Domain\Domain Users, Domain\Domain Admins, Domain\Power...

  • RE: approle

    Wouldn't it be easier to create a SQL login that would only be used by the application, instead of a windows user? How do users log on as a...

  • RE: Linked Server Pros/Cons over Seperate DB's

    another issue is naming conventions. if code gets developed in test that uses a four part name, that code will not work when moved to production unless the link exists...

  • RE: Risk Of Enabling CLR

    i have used that -g flag previously, but as you said it does not solve the real issue, it just delays it from happening as frequently.

  • RE: Risk Of Enabling CLR

    Thanks Jonathon, I will try the DBCC FREESYSTEMCACHE the next time we have this issue.

    It doesn't happen often, and I am familiar with the MemToLeave area, and the various things...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 41 total)