Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)

  • RE: Modify SQL to render unique Rows (vs. Dup''''s)

    It just seems like your view can't logically return a single record per person when you are joining a table with one record per person with several tables that could...

  • RE: Best Practice for Passing Parameters from Form to Stored Procedure

    An alternative in newer versions of Access is to pass either the entire SQL statement or the parameters as opening arguments (OpenArgs) to the report.  Then in the report open...

  • RE: Sql Server SP to Access

    It might be a good idea to post the SP you are trying to recreate, so someone could suggest a workaround.  But there is no such thing as a true...

  • RE: Samples Needed!

    well, you should have gotten some samples with Access - make sure you do a full install to get them loaded.  Also Microsoft has some you can download.  But if...

  • RE: multiuser issues in msaccess project subforms

    one workaround for you might be to add the username to the temporary table.  then create a view or stored procedure using the SUSER_SNAME() function, which essentially gives each user their...

  • RE: How to determine physical location of Access DB in code?

    I usually use a batch file similar to this (in the user's startup or login script) which checks to see if they have the latest version and if not copies...

  • RE: Create an empty Access 97 database

    Why not just have an empty database out there which you can first copy and then put whatever you want in it?


  • RE: Access 2000 query help

    I usually use something like SUM(IIF(Attendance.Attended)='  Absent',1,0)) for this type of query, so you might try:

    SELECT Attendance.Date, SUM(IIF(Attendance.Attended)=' Absent',1,0)) AS CountOfAbsent, SUM(IIF(Attendance.Attended)='Present',1,0)) AS CountOfAttended, SUM(IIF(Attendance.Attended)=' Excused',1,0)) AS CountOfExcused, Student.StudentName, Count(Attendance.ClassID) AS...

  • RE: How to add a header/footer in excel file

    Actually I was just reading an article on a similar approach to creating Excel reports from SQL Server online the other day (although I forget exactly where), but it described...

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)