Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 76 through 89 (of 89 total)

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    How do I check the cliconfg?

    I ran both queries these queries:

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobservers

    SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    Both the originating_server_id and the server_id are 0.

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    The correct computer name \ instance name. This is different than what I'm seeing in the Maintenance Plan >> Manage Connections >> Local Area Connection. The server...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I have tried recreating the plans, but the local area connection still points to the old server. It is grayed out and I can not change it. I...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    The connection is to the old server. I didn't do a full restore of the msdb database, but I did do a compare on it to make sure that...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    SSMS - desktop

    IPCONFIG - both server and desktop

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    Whoops sorry, I must have gotten distracted...I'm creating the maintenance plans through SSMS.

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I ran it, but I'm not really sure what I need to be looking for.

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    Yeah, I've actually already run the ipconfig commands already...didn't help the situation. Maybe I'll try dropping and re-adding the server after business hours tonight, because at this point I'm...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I'm not seeing anything weird in the error logs, just some mail errors that don't really have to do with this.

    Is it possible for my sql agent to be running...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    The instance names are the same, but the virtual server names are different than those of my 2005 Cluster.

    And no, the server name was not changed along with the dns...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    Well, our developers use servername\instance name to connect to sql via their connection strings. And to not affect their work, we went ahead and created a new sql...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    The DNS changed. Is there anyway I can get things working without having to do a reinstall?

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I checked and the account does seem to have appropriate permissions. I think it has something to do the the local area connection - the local area connection isn't...

  • RE: Orphaned User Problem

    That worked like a charm. Thanks for your help!

Viewing 14 posts - 76 through 89 (of 89 total)