Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

  • RE: SQL Server error

    If the stored procedure is performing a join between any two databases with different collations on certain data types you'll get this issue. You can force it to try...

  • RE: Joining data from multiple tables


    If I've understood correctly:


    * --replace with what you want if not all


    recent_student RS


    recent_student_graduate_2330 SG2 ON RS.individual_id = SG2.individual_id


    recent_student_professional SP ON RS.individual_id = SP.individual_id


    recent_individual RI ON RS.individual_id =...

  • RE: Upgrade Advisor

    There are some known issues with SQL2005 upgrade advisor on a cluster, but I think the errors you're seeing are more security based.

    Try running as a user with both sysadmin...

  • RE: Log Shipping

    I started to type a response, but though this link did it much better. The other thing you need to ensure is that your logins from the primary are...

  • RE: SQLMail

    You could always remove the built in notifcation and create a new TSQL job step such to be something like:

    If SQLMail is configured:

    exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail

    @recipients = '',

    @Subject = 'master backup...

  • RE: Finding a delivery date based on flags

    For this I'd make the assumption that a 0 for a day means that nothing happens.

    P.S, I finished ealy too 😛

  • RE: Finding a delivery date based on flags

    That's spot on Jack.

    Thanks for the responses guys. I'm still trying to solve this myself too.

    First one to a solution get's to go home early?

  • RE: Finding a delivery date based on flags

    Ah, I'm liking the soltion, but comany 3 should take the longest...

    It makes more sense if I explain the [DaystoDeliver]. It is the number of days that a delivery...

  • RE: Finding a delivery date based on flags

    I'll gladly buy you a pint sir, if you can tell me what date the item will be delivered! I'm not catching your drift on the solution ... Fridays...

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)