Working with variable length number

  • What are the rules for which digits should be kept and which discarded?


  • the rules are you take the last 4 digits and the preceeding numbers before the string of zeros. so if account is 12340500080076 , I need 123405 concatenated with 0076 to make account 1234050076. the problem is that I do not have a say on how the data is populated and its coming from two different systems, in one system the account number is padded with extra zeros and in some instances there is an extra digit like 8 on my example which is used by that system as an identifier for the source system. while on the other system the extra padding and the extra digit is not included.  Hence the need to take the last 4 digits and the preceeding numbers before the string of zeros

  • ;with cte as
    select *
    from (values ('1230000045'),
    ('120300080025')) T(AcctNumber)
    select cte.AcctNumber,x.firstDigits,x.lastDigits,x.firstDigits+x.lastDigits allDigits
    from cte
    cross apply(values (right(cte.AcctNumber,4),
    ) x(lastDigits,firstDigits)

    PS: you can't have any of the first digits ending with a zero.


  • Hey Jon,

    I troll these forums looking at other peoples issues so I can have a better understanding when I run into issues of my own..  That being said I'm trying to understand how this query works, is it that when you flip the number and convert it to bigint the conversion truncates the leading 0s?

  • oogibah wrote:

    Hey Jon,

    I troll these forums looking at other peoples issues so I can have a better understanding when I run into issues of my own..  That being said I'm trying to understand how this query works, is it that when you flip the number and convert it to bigint the conversion truncates the leading 0s?

    Yes that's how it works.

    Another way to do it would be to replace all the zeros with a space, trim the string, then replace any spaces with zeros (for any zeros in the middle of the number):

    ;with cte as
    select *
    from (values ('1230000045'),
    ('120300080025')) T(AcctNumber)
    select cte.AcctNumber,x.firstDigits,x.lastDigits,x.firstDigits+x.lastDigits allDigits
    from cte
    cross apply(values (right(cte.AcctNumber,4),
    replace(rtrim(replace(left(cte.AcctNumber,len(cte.AcctNumber)-5),'0',' ')),' ','0')
    ) x(lastDigits,firstDigits)
  • As the OP is using SQL 2017 there is an even easier way to get the results:

    ;with cte as
    select *
    from (values ('1230000045'),
    ('120300080025')) T(AcctNumber)
    select cte.AcctNumber,x.firstDigits,x.lastDigits,x.firstDigits+x.lastDigits allDigits
    from cte
    cross apply(values (right(cte.AcctNumber,4),
    trim('0' FROM (left(cte.AcctNumber,len(cte.AcctNumber)-5)))
    ) x(lastDigits,firstDigits)
  • Sorry for the late response guys. Jonathan, this is exactly what I needed thank you very much

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