Where in the Pasadena, CA area can one get training in SQL Server 2005?

  • I wonder if anybody knows where the Pasadena, CA area can one get training in SQL Server 2005?

    I've gotten 6 months of on the job experience with it but want to get beyond running simple queries and pasting the results to Excel templates.

    Hope somebody can help.



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  • if you go to the MS Certification site you should find something. Personally I think most of the classes are worthless. with something like SQL you aren't going to learn anything until you do it yourself and practice.

    start with simple queries and then build on them for more functionality.

  • Some of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ELearning is still free until the end of the month.

    Each course takes about 6 hours.

    Check this link out: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/2005/sql/dba/default.mspx



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