What Queries/SPs Are Running Right Now ?

  • Is there a way to identify actively running queries or stored procedures ? If I am in Activity Monitor, and click "Details" on a spid, sometimes I can see what an application or user is running.

    Is there a way to dynamically capture the same information in one place for all connections so I can see all processes hitting SQL ?

    EDIT: Running SQL 2005, so maybe I posted in the wrong forum.

  • You can write your own queries, using the DMVs, which is a good learning exercise, but I'd recommend using the brilliant sp_whoisactive.

  • I use the following:

    Any SPID above 50


    This gives a little more info on what sp is actually running



    , sp.blocked AS BlockingProcess

    , DB_NAME(sp.dbid) AS DatabaseName

    , sp.loginame

    , CAST(text AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS SqlStatement

    FROM sys.sysprocesses sp

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (sp.sql_handle)

  • HowardW (6/13/2013)

    You can write your own queries, using the DMVs, which is a good learning exercise, but I'd recommend using the brilliant sp_whoisactive.

    I wanted to second that.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I use sp_whoisactive; it has saved my life, but I also you the two scripts below when I need a little different info. You can comment out the where clause in the first script to see everything.

    --This query finds all active queries with estimated completion time (if available)

    select e.session_id

    , sql.text

    , e.start_time

    , s.login_name

    , s.nt_user_name

    , e.percent_complete

    , e.estimated_completion_time

    from sys.dm_exec_requests e

    join sys.dm_exec_sessions s on e.session_id = s.session_id

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) sql

    where e.status IN ('running','suspended')

    --To see what's currently running on the server


    der.session_id , --internal identifier for the running session

    der.status , --determines if the query is active or waiting

    der.start_time , --gives you an idea when the query started

    der.command , --the type of command involved

    der.database_id , --which database you're connected to

    der.user_id , --which login is running the command

    der.blocking_session_id , --session id of blocking session

    der.wait_type , -- what is the waiting session it waiting on

    der.wait_time , --how long has it been waiting

    der.last_wait_type , --what caused it to last wait

    der.cpu_time , --how much of the CPU has been used

    der.total_elapsed_time , --how long has the command been running

    der.reads , --has the command hit the disk for information

    der.writes , --how much information was written to the disk

    der.logical_reads --how many reads came out of memory

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS der;

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