Visual Studio - Unable to find CDD File - CONNX OLE DB Provider

  • We are running on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

    In Visual Studio, we want to create a Report Model. First, we must create a Data Source then create a Data Source View off of that Data Source. Within the Data Source Wizard, we are trying to set up a Connection Manager using Native OLE DB (with CONNX OLE DB Provider) Connection and it is not working. We also tried the .Net Providers for OLE DB (with CONNX OLE DB Provider) and it is not working. We were able to connect using the .Net Providers (with ODBC Data Provider). We did some research in the CONNX Knowledge Base and on other sites but nothing directly points to our situation.

    Once we click the Test Connection Button on the Connection Manager Dialog, it returns

    "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Connection Failure Unable to find CDD. File not found. (filename.cdd) Error Code=(2) UserName=(Domain\Login)"

    Thanks in advance, Kevin

  • FYI,

    We were able to create a linked server in SQL Server using the CONNX OLE DB Provider. Then we were able to access the CONNX Data and load the data via a view into a table in the KevinDemo SQL Server Database. We are just not able to connect using the CONNX OLE DB Provider from within Visual Studio. We are using Visual Studio 2008.

    Thanks, Kevin

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