Visual Studio deploys entire solution when previewing a report

  • A couple of times recently I've been working in Visual Studio (2015) and have previewed a report.  Visual Studio has immediately deployed the entire solution to the report server.  There doesn't seem to be an obvious pattern as to when this happens, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't (it's only happened twice but, frankly, twice is enough to scare the hell out of me).

    I've never seen that behaviour before now and I didn't set up the solution or projects so I don't know what's causing it.  It seems pretty dangerous, though, and could lead to changes getting overridden (we're not using source control... don't get me started on that)

    Has anyone observed this before and if so, what causes it?

  • hi

    never seen/had such issue before

    i develop reports in ssdt & visual studio for several years already

    to protect yourself against such rare scary issue, perhaps, isn't it worth to have the deployment address empty and fill it in with correct data only in case of planned deployment?


  • Thanks

    I like the idea and we could do something like that.  If we're going down that road, though, I think I'd rather have the deploy set to some staging area and then we can move reports between folders on the server from there when we're ready - I've done that before and it worked quote well.  Changing the deployment address in VS each time feels a bit flakey and too easy for people to forget to change it back.  I don't get to make the call on process though so I was hoping someone might know what's causing the behaviour - I'm more likely to get a change to the settings agreed than a change to the process.

    I've also been developing in SSRS for years and I've never seen this behaviour before either.

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