"View Reports" role and subscriptions?

  • Our company doesn't do much with report subscriptions, but we're looking into. I'm wondering if I can assign a user the "View Reports" role, but also be able to create a subscription on behalf of the user (I'm the report manager admin.) So, does the "View Reports" role limit what the user can do himself/herself only, or does the role limit their report permissions regardless if I attempt to assign them to a subscription?

    I realize the Browser role allows users to establish their own subscriptions, but our IT group isn't sure we want to go down that path.



  • I had a number of reports that many could not access or see (lack of forward planning on groups - make sure you plan well ahead - due to sensitive reports being in the same folder). if you set up a subscription to have a report emailed to a recipient I found there was no problem in adding whomever I wished.

    Once the report is created with suitable account rights I don't think any restrictions actually apply once passed to the mail system; the only thing I did do was make sure I removed the link from the subscription email (it is a tick option) to stop anyone trying that route; when the link was accidentally left in I had the inevitable calls of "I get an error when I click the link.....", Oh good thinks I :-).

    This is pure experience I have not looked for "official" documentation.


  • OK -- I'll give it a test and see what happens. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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