veeam backup permission issue

  • Hi,

    From Veeam we are taking SQL Server backup. we are using ABC\abcadmin credentias to take the backup. We got a below warning.

    Warning: [TDB]Unable to update SQL backupset for instance : Code = 0x80040e09 Code meaning = IDispatch error #3081 Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description = The UPDATE permission was denied on the object ‘backupset’, database ‘msdb’, schema ‘dbo’.

    I opened the respective SQL Server. Checked whether the user is exist or not in the SQL Server.. In the SQL Logins i found that "ABC\Domainusers" exist. what ever the configured ABC\abcadmin is under Domain users.

    i tried below commands from google.

    alter login [ABC\Domainusers] enable

    thrown the error : cannot use alter login with enable or disable argument for a windows group.grant or revoke the connect sql permission.

    I tried adding ABC\Domainusers to sysadmin role. throwing the error cannot alter the server role 'sysadmin' because it does not exist or you do not have permission.(error :15151)

    How to resolve the issue? Please help.



  • Try adding the login as a user to msdb and add them to the SQLAgentOperatorRole Database role.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Joe Torre.

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