Variable usage in Where clause

  • Hello,

    Please find the below TSQL Code:

    declare @table1 table

    ( SourceId INT,

    RecordStatus NVARCHAR(20),

    ParentRecordId NVARCHAR(5))

    insert into @table1

    values (1, 'Start', 1), (2, 'In Progress', 1), (3, 'In Progress', 2),

    (4, 'On Hold', 2), (5, 'Completed', 1), (6, 'Completed', 2)

    Declare @TargetIDs varchar(max)

    select @TargetIDs = COALESCE(@TargetIDs + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),ParentRecordId)

    FROM @table1


    ParentRecordId in (1,2,3,4,5,6) and RecordStatus in ('In Progress', 'On Hold')

    print 'First Print statement'

    print 'target-' + @TargetIDs

    Declare @parentRecordIds varchar(max)

    set @parentRecordIds = '1,2,3,4,5,6'

    set @TargetIDs = ''

    select @TargetIDs = COALESCE(@TargetIDs + ',','') + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),ParentRecordId)

    FROM @table1


    ParentRecordId in (@parentRecordIds) and

    RecordStatus in ('In Progress', 'On Hold')

    print 'Second Print statement'

    print 'target-' + @TargetIDs

    When I fire the query, sql displays following result:

    First Print statement


    Second Print statement


    I would like to know why @TargetIDs doesn't populated after second print statement ?


  • Its most likely do to with the use of the variable in the IN clause.

    You are now asking

    WHERE ParentRecordId in ("1,2,3,4,5,6")

    So you will only get a match is ParentRecordId = "1,2,3,4,5,6".

    Investigate one of the many CSV split routines

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • As Dave pointed out, the IN predicate doesn't work that way.

    You may also concatenate in a safer way, using FOR XML PATH.

    Concatenating variables in the SELECT list doesn't always work and is not always sorted consistently.

    DECLARE @table1 TABLE

    ( SourceId INT,

    RecordStatus NVARCHAR(20),

    ParentRecordId NVARCHAR(5))

    INSERT INTO @table1

    VALUES (1, 'Start', 1), (2, 'In Progress', 1), (3, 'In Progress', 2),

    (4, 'On Hold', 2), (5, 'Completed', 1), (6, 'Completed', 2)


    SET @TargetIDs = STUFF((

    SELECT ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),ParentRecordId) AS [text()]

    FROM @table1

    WHERE ParentRecordId IN (1,2,3,4,5,6) AND RecordStatus IN ('In Progress', 'On Hold')

    ORDER BY 1

    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 1, SPACE(0));

    PRINT 'First Print statement'

    PRINT 'target-' + @TargetIDs

    DECLARE @parentRecordIds TABLE (

    ParentRecordId int


    INSERT INTO @ParentRecordIds VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)

    SET @TargetIDs = ''

    SET @TargetIDs = STUFF((

    SELECT ',' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),ParentRecordId) AS [text()]

    FROM @table1

    WHERE ParentRecordId IN (SELECT ParentRecordId FROM @parentRecordIds) AND RecordStatus IN ('In Progress', 'On Hold')

    ORDER BY 1

    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1, 1, SPACE(0));

    PRINT 'Second Print statement'

    PRINT 'target-' + @TargetIDs

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (10/18/2010)

    As Dave pointed out, the IN predicate doesn't work that way.

    If something like IN (@variable) is needed, Erland Sommarskog covers the options extremely well:

  • Thanks


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