Using Text Boxes, no table, with more than one data row.

  • Good morning. I'm not really sure how to write the title so let me explain my issue.

    I have a two page SSRS report with Text boxes and Expressions. It is a summary of benefits and pay for an individual employee and works great. I used Text boxes because of the layout, how it appears, where the totals are etc. As I said this is great and looks good.

    Now I'm curious, rather than enter a single employee in the parameter field and populating the two pages of Text Boxes. How can I get this to print/view properly if there were multiple rows of data? I have change the query and get all the proper data results, but the SSRS report is still only two pages. I lot of the expressions are First aggregates.

    I can fake some data or query if you need.

    Thank you for any help,

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • You can use a list, set the data set of the employee to the list.

    Then add a rectangle to the row of the list, add all your text boxes for one employee to the rectangle.


  • Create a new tablix. Set the data source of it to the new dataset that returns the list of many employees. Make a group in that tablix that groups by unique employee ID. Remove details rows, leave only the group header row. Remove all but one column from that new tablix. You should have one cell now basically. Put a rectangle in that cell. Move your text boxes to that rectangle. Now a row from the tablix should result for each employee in the list. Set the tablix to page on each group header ( employee).

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