Using sql server 2000 in LAN

  • HI. I have a problem establishing connection in a java program with db through LAN. the sql server 2000 hangs up and responds to query in strange way after it is used for few times. Then is stops working. I don't know is there problem of configuration. please help

  • shreyansh.bele (5/9/2010)

    HI. I have a problem establishing connection in a java program with db through LAN. the sql server 2000 hangs up and responds to query in strange way after it is used for few times. Then is stops working. I don't know is there problem of configuration. please help

    Have you tried to test connection before you execute query? what is the result? Success or failed.

    Based on your issue, did you see an error message before it stop?


    Eko Indriyawan

  • There is no exact syntax error. It is a logical error.

    The server is supposed to send no of keys to clients and receives ack from it. The recieved ack should be stored in db but it is not storing it. It works correctly in localhost but not in LAN. The sql stops responding as expected. Is there any configuration to be done for sql?

  • Anything in the event logs? Personally, I'd have the network folks take a look at the connection to the lan, the nic cards, everything. SQL Server does not tolerate network related issues (hiccups, slow downs, etc.) very well. When it wants access, it wants it now.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • @shreyansh.bele

    Can you show me your current connection string?

    Don't forget to change your ip/server first...


    Eko Indriyawan

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