upgrading from SQL Server Eval.

  • I've been running an 120 day evaluation version of SQL Server 2000 for the past month or so and just purchased a single processor license for SQL Server Standard Edition. The upgrade process appears to have completed properly but when I go into the properties display for my database inside of Enterprise Manager it shows the product as being "SQL Server 2000 Standard Evaluation Edition." This has me a bit nervous because I want to avoid a situation where the 120-day evaluation clock expires and knocks the database out of commision, even if temporarily.

    Is there any way for me to check and see if the product upgraded and is registered properly?

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

  • The install process seemed to work fine. My concern is whether or not it took, given that it doesn't display the product version properly after the install. I'm just wondering if there's a way to verify that it did in fact upgrade properly.

  • Try applying a Service Pack, eval will not allow this and will bark about it. If it takes then the upgrade was fine.

  • Excellent suggestion. Thank you!

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