update problem in cicle

  • hello again

    I´ve 2 databases MANDIFLEX and PRODIFLEX

    I need to update a field in database MANDIFLEX when some condition in PRODIFLEX is true

    I came with this query, wich returns want i want

    select mandiflex.dbo.tabat.st_tabatphc,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from

    tabat,prodiflex.dbo.st where cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    and prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208'

    i need to do this

    update mandiflex.dbo.TABATOPCO set U_NCONSUMO = 1

    where ( the condiction from the select above??)

    please help

  • update mandiflex.dbo.TABATOPCO set U_NCONSUMO = 1

    FROM mandiflex.dbo.tabat.st_tabatphc,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from

    mandiflex.dbo.tabat inner join ,prodiflex.dbo.st on mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.prodiflex.dbo.st.ref and S.prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208'

    "Keep Trying"

  • hello the query returns

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'.

    i´v tried this

    update tabatopco set u_nconsumo=1 where (select ref,u_nconsumo,cod_art,desc_art

    from tabatopco(nolock),tabat(nolock) inner

    join prodiflex.dbo.st on mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    where prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208')

    but all the records U_NCONSUMO became = 1 the where condition didin´t work

  • carlos cachulo (2/12/2009)

    hello the query returns

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'from'.

    i´v tried this

    update tabatopco set u_nconsumo=1 where (select ref,u_nconsumo,cod_art,desc_art

    from tabatopco(nolock),tabat(nolock) inner

    join prodiflex.dbo.st on mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    where prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208')

    but all the records U_NCONSUMO became = 1 the where condition didin´t work

    You have a serious problem with your query. In the subquery you are mixing ANSI and old style joins. You are joining the tables tabat and prodiflex using an ANSI style inner join, but you are also join this to tabatopco using an old style join (note the comma between tabatopco and tabat) but don't have any criteria for that join in the where clause. You really should try using just ANSI style joins in your queries.

  • I have rewritten your first select query below. Next question, however, is how does this query relate to the other table, tabatopco.

    What would really help is if you would read the first article I have referenced below in my signature block regarding asking for assistance and follow the guidlines in that article to post the DDL for your tables, sample data, and expected results. You would get a lot more beneficial help if you did so.






    mandiflex.dbo.tabat t

    inner join prodiflex.dbo.st s

    on (t.cod_art = s.ref)


    s.familia = 'MP208'

  • ok, thank you very much

  • At a guess:

    UPDATE mandiflex.dbo.TABATOPCO




    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSELECT *

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspFROM mandiflex.dbo.tabat T

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWHERE EXISTS


    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspSELECT *

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspFROM prodiflex.dbo.st S

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspWHERE T.cod_art = S.ref

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAND S.familia ='MP208'


    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp-- assumming link between tabat and TABATOPCO is st_tabatphc in both tables

    &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspAND T.st_tabatphc = mandiflex.dbo.TABATOPCO.st_tabatphc


  • Start from the begining


    MANDIFLEX has this tables TABATOPCO and TABAT

    PRODIFLEX has the table ST

    TABATOPCO and TABAT can me joined by this fields tabat.st_tabatphc=tabat.stamp

    and TABAT can be joined to PRODIFLEX.DBO.ST by cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    ex: select cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from tabat,prodiflex.dbo.st

    returns : cod_art ref

    ------------------ ------------------

    0000CP420002 0000CP420002

    0001 0000CP420002

    0002 0000CP420002

    there is no possible relation between TABATPCO with ST.

    I´ve this query A :

    select mandiflex.dbo.tabat.st_tabatphc,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.stamp,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from

    tabat,prodiflex.dbo.st where cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    and prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208'

    wich returns:

    st_tabatphc stamp cod_art ref

    ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------

    PPA2KQ10663X3691050277866 PPA2KQ10663X3691050277866 0005023 0005023

    PPA1PQ0L5I421262263298320 PPA1PQ0L5I421262263298320 0061 0061

    PUS2JX0PKVZE1845946971080 PUS2JX0PKVZE1845946971080 01260 01260

    PUS2JX0ORYDL1731810264135 PUS2JX0ORYDL1731810264135 01277 01277

    PUS2JX0OMEKV1710323326516 PUS2JX0OMEKV1710323326516 104031 104031

    PUS2K01085133702171401835 PUS2K01085133702171401835 11302 11302

    PUS2JX0LJHI01309067655480 PUS2JX0LJHI01309067655480 114139 114139

    ok, this are de ones i want to update,

    so my question is how can i update a field in TABATPCO where the condition from my query A is true


  • carlos cachulo (2/12/2009)

    Start from the begining


    MANDIFLEX has this tables TABATOPCO and TABAT

    PRODIFLEX has the table ST

    TABATOPCO and TABAT can me joined by this fields tabat.st_tabatphc=tabat.stamp

    and TABAT can be joined to PRODIFLEX.DBO.ST by cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    ex: select cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from tabat,prodiflex.dbo.st

    returns : cod_art ref

    ------------------ ------------------

    0000CP420002 0000CP420002

    0001 0000CP420002

    0002 0000CP420002

    there is no possible relation between TABATPCO with ST.

    I´ve this query A :

    select mandiflex.dbo.tabat.st_tabatphc,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.stamp,mandiflex.dbo.tabat.cod_art,prodiflex.dbo.st.ref from

    tabat,prodiflex.dbo.st where cod_art=prodiflex.dbo.st.ref

    and prodiflex.dbo.st.familia='MP208'

    wich returns:

    st_tabatphc stamp cod_art ref

    ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------

    PPA2KQ10663X3691050277866 PPA2KQ10663X3691050277866 0005023 0005023

    PPA1PQ0L5I421262263298320 PPA1PQ0L5I421262263298320 0061 0061

    PUS2JX0PKVZE1845946971080 PUS2JX0PKVZE1845946971080 01260 01260

    PUS2JX0ORYDL1731810264135 PUS2JX0ORYDL1731810264135 01277 01277

    PUS2JX0OMEKV1710323326516 PUS2JX0OMEKV1710323326516 104031 104031

    PUS2K01085133702171401835 PUS2K01085133702171401835 11302 11302

    PUS2JX0LJHI01309067655480 PUS2JX0LJHI01309067655480 114139 114139

    ok, this are de ones i want to update,

    so my question is how can i update a field in TABATPCO where the condition from my query A is true


    Sorry, but still as clear as mud to me. Please read the article I recommended and follow the quidelines in that article to post your tables DDL (create statements), sample data (INSERT statements), expected results based on sample data.

    One of the problems I have with the above is how the tables are joined. It appears the your join criteria is using columns from the same table, tabat.

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