Union query doesnt work. Please help

  • G'd Afternoon to all:

    First of all i most say that i'm just a newbie, so please bear with me (and my english :rolleyes.

    My problem is as follow: i need to get a dataset, product of the Union of two tables and i really don't know why to make a simple thing is taking me all this time....and work

    Due to the imposibility (for me) to sort  a union query the datasets in the way i need, i choose to create a temp table (#Mytable) where i store my sorted first dataset, that will be one of the Select statements for my union query. So i ended up with something like this:

    Create Procedure sprocAny

    CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable


    tfld1(9) PRIMARY KEY,

    tfld2 NVARCHAR(9),

    tfld3 datetime,


    INSERT INTO #MytTempTable (tfld1,tfld2,tfld3)

    Select Distinct Top 3 fld1,fld2,fld3

    from A

    Order by fld3

    Select * From #MyTempTable


    Select DISTINCT TOP3 fld1,fld2,fld3 From B

    My surprise is that this sproc does not work!!!! I don't understand why! if i create a physical table it works fine, but if i create a temp table its says something like :

    ".. The sproc did ran succesfully but did not return any records...." .... and i get nothing

    I also had tryed building two temp tables, make a union query of those temp tables and physically create a table with the result of that union... and it works , i mean, everything works with phhysical tables, but not with temporal tables.

    My problem is that i don't want to overload the server with this kind of procedure, because it will run for each row displayed on the form. Besides i need a temp table for each user and not a table in the server, because i need to avoid more than one user to create/modify/delete the data at the same time.

    If some one please can tell me what i'm doing wrong i really will appreciate it.

    For any help, thanks in advance


    Manifest plainness,Embrace simplicity,Reduce selfishness,Have few desires.

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  • Estuardo,

  • Estuardo,

    Not sure if previous reply made it...sorry if this is a repeat.

    A few things:

    1) You need a datatype for col1 of your #tmp_table.

    2) I was able to do a similar sproc to yours successfully.

    3) There may not be any rows to return.

    4) You may be able to use a table variable instead of a (physical)#tmp_table.

    5) #tmp_tables are only visible to the connection that created them. Other users cannot access them. They are destroyed automatically when the sproc completes execution.

    Hope this helps!


  • To simplify things a little perhaps...

    Instead of...

    CREATE TABLE #MyTempTable


    tfld1(9) PRIMARY KEY,

    tfld2 NVARCHAR(9),

    tfld3 datetime,


    INSERT INTO #MytTempTable (tfld1,tfld2,tfld3)

    Select Distinct Top 3 fld1,fld2,fld3

    from A

    Order by fld3

    You could ...

    Select Distinct Top 3 fld1 as tfld1, fld2 as tfld2, fld3 as tfld3

    Into #MytTempTable

    from A

    Order by fld3

    This will "auto" make #MytTempTable to have a "compatible" structure to table "A"

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Schleep & ThomasH:

    First of all thank you both for your time and your kind help because due to this help i could solve my problem.

    Just a few comments: Schleep, for the reason you mention in your 5th step is that i need this kind of table. Thank you for the your very welcome help.

    ThomasH: with slight modifications your approach solved my problem and i get the result as expected.

    One more time thank you both for the help

    Best regards


    Manifest plainness,Embrace simplicity,Reduce selfishness,Have few desires.

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