Unable to register a database in Mirroring Monitor

  • I have successfully set up high protection mirroring for a database between two servers (successful meaning that they are configured and synchronised).  I am now trying to register the database on the primary server through Mirroring Monitor but when I attempt to connect to the server I get an error message:

    Cannot connect to <servername>

    SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server.  Connections through a server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported.  Specify the actual server name, '<oldservername>'. (Replication.Utilities)

    ... where <servername> is the current name of the server (according to system properties, SQL server and ipconfig /all), and <oldservername> is the name of the server when SQL was installed some time ago.  The name change was forced because it included characters that some application didn't like if I recall correctly.


    Can anyone shed any light on how to resolve this?  There are a few registry entries referring to the old name but nothing that appears to be relevant.



  • Figured it out finally .... sp_dropserver and sp_addserver do the job.


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