Unable to preserve security settings for user ''

  • Can any boby tell me why this error occurs and how to solve this:

    Error :-


    'TempCustomers' table

    - Unable to preserve security settings for user ''.

    ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There is no such user or group ''.


    Following is the script that was generated by the Entrp.Manager when I changed table.


    GRANT REFERENCES ON dbo.TempCustomers TO [] AS dbo

    GRANT SELECT ON dbo.TempCustomers TO [] AS dbo

    GRANT INSERT ON dbo.TempCustomers TO [] AS dbo

    GRANT DELETE ON dbo.TempCustomers TO [] AS dbo

    GRANT UPDATE ON dbo.TempCustomers TO [] AS dbo


  • Have not seen this. What do you have for users in the db?


  • query sysusers and see if any of the names look corrupt.

    Steve Jones


  • I checked all the system tables to find this kind of username or id, I was unable to find something like that......I'am really getting strange about this..........Shell I try to install service packs?

  • Have you restarted the server? If not try that.

    try dbcc checks on the database.

    Who should have access to TempCustomers - you will probably find that something has gone wrong with the link to that that user / group.

    Try dropping all users and adding them again - don't think that will help.

    What happens if you dts all objects into another database - would expect an error.

    I would advise creating a new database, copying everything into it and dropping this one - or at least copying this table to a new one.

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • I think Nigel is on the right track. You likely have some corruption in a system table, but it is probably bad data. If you can try some different things Nigel suggested, you might be able to clean the tables out.

    Steve Jones


  • Thank U dear friends......I transfered data to new database and recreated all those users as well. Its fine now..

    Thanks a lot..

  • Very cool. Thanks for visiting!


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