Track Changes in a table on multiple columns

  • Hi , 
    I have a table as follows 

    drop table if exists #datatable
    create table #datatable
    merchantnumber int ,
    merchantname varchar(100),
    activeflag int,
    address_line1 varchar(100),
    file_date date,
    rec_start_date date,
    rec_end_date date

    insert into #datatable

    select 1001,'ABC Limited',1,'100 Street1','2018-06-01','2018-06-01','2500-01-01'
    union all
    select 1001,'ABC Limited',0,'100 Street1','2018-06-02','2018-06-02','2500-01-01'
    union all

    select 1001,'ABC Limited   #',0,'100 Street1','2018-06-03','2018-06-03','2500-01-01'
    union all
    select 1001,'ABC Limited',0,'100 Street1','2018-06-04','2018-06-04','2500-01-01'
    union all
    select 1001,'ABC Limited',0,'100 Street1','2018-06-05','2018-06-05','2500-01-01'
    union all
    select 1001,'ABC Limited',1,'101 Street1','2018-06-06','2018-06-06','2500-01-01'

    i would like to track the changes on a;; the three fields for a particular merchant number based on the file_date field. The fields that are being used to track changes are merchant name , active flag and address line1. In this case , my expectation is that , only row number 4 and 5 are duplicated in this and i should be able to take the rest with dates so that these are used to track the changes . 

    select *,row_number() over(partition by merchantnumber,merchantname,activeflag,address_line1 order by file_date) rno from #datatable
    order by file_date

    this would return only distinct values in the table . ideally when a vallue changes and then changes back to the original value, i should be able to track that as a change and record the dates . could someone suggest me a solution for this ?

  • Something like this?

    select merchantnumber, max(merchantname) merchantname, max(activeflag) activeflag, min(rec_start_date) rec_start_date, max(rec_end_date) rec_end_date
    from #datatable
    group by merchantnumber

  • I think you're looking for something like this.

    WITH data_compare AS
     SELECT *
     , LAG(merchantname) OVER(PARTITION BY merchantnumber ORDER BY rec_start_date) AS prev_merchant_name
     , LAG(activeflag) OVER(PARTITION BY merchantnumber ORDER BY rec_start_date) AS prev_active_flag
     , LAG(address_line1) OVER(PARTITION BY merchantnumber ORDER BY rec_start_date) AS prev_address_line1
     FROM #datatable
    SELECT dc.merchantnumber, dc.merchantname, dc.activeflag, dc.address_line1, dc.file_date, dc.rec_start_date, dc.rec_end_date
    FROM data_compare dc
     SELECT dc.merchantname, dc.activeflag, dc.address_line1


     SELECT dc.prev_merchant_name, dc.prev_active_flag, dc.prev_address_line1
    ) diff


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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