Too many ISServerExec.exe processes


    I am running into an issue where i see about 250+ ISServerExec processes running in parallel which i leading to 100% CPU. My questions are:

    i) There are packages called via stored procedure from the app. Is there a way with in OS that i could limit ISServerExec.exe processes? I don't think MaxConcurrentExecutables would work here because the problem is in initiating the call to package.  So far there isn't a way in the application to control this.

    ii) May be resource governor?

  • What do you want to happen in the event that a request to execute a package is received, but the 'maximum concurrent executions' number, whatever you deem that to be, has been hit?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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