The mystery of the dropped login

  • Hi everyone

    A fellow's login was dropped between Christmas and New Year and I'm looking to be pointed in the right direction as to where I can find info as to who did it.

    I expected it (rather naively) to be the SQL Server 2005 Logs. I'm now looking inside the transaction log (::fn_dblog is very useful) for records with the transaction name of 'DROP LOGIN'.

    Am I missing a very obvious source and if so, would someone let me know please

    Many thanks

  • You can use the Default Trace, IF it has logs back far enough as it only has up to 100MB of data. Here's a query that should find it, if your default trace files go back far enough:

    ;WITH cteEventSubClasses AS







    sys.trace_subclass_values AS TSV JOIN

    sys.trace_columns AS TC ON

    TSV.trace_column_id = TC.trace_column_id


    TC.[name] = 'EventSubClass'



    TE.NAME AS EventName,

    Convert(nvarchar(10), I.EventSubClass) + N'-' + ESC.subclass_name as EventSubClass,



    I.SessionLoginName, /* add this in case they use EXECUTE AS */

    I.LoginName AS LoginMakingChange,

    I.TargetLoginName AS AlteredLogin,

    I.RoleName AS AlteredServerRole,



    sys.traces T CROSS Apply

    sys.fn_trace_gettable(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('_', T.[path]) <> 0

    THEN SUBSTRING(T.PATH, 1, CHARINDEX('_', T.[path]) - 1) + '.trc'

    ELSE T.[path]

    End, T.max_files) I JOIN

    sys.trace_events AS TE ON

    I.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id LEFT JOIN

    cteEventSubClasses AS ESC ON

    TE.trace_event_id = ESC.trace_event_id AND

    I.EventSubClass = ESC.subclass_value


    T.is_default = 1 ANd

    TE.NAME = 'Audit AddLogin Event'

    The Audit AddLoginEvent also shows drops, check the EventSubClass.

  • Thanks very much for the script! It is extremely useful and it's good to learn about new DB objects. I see now that I'm much more ignorant about traces than I realised.

  • Glad I could help.

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