The current WSFC cluster quorum vote configuration is not recommended for this availability group

  • Hi,

    I'm setting up Availability groups using 2 nodes. I have Quorum disk configured.

    But when I'm using the wizard to create the Availability groups, getting below warning but the process is completed successfully.

    The current WSFC cluster quorum vote configuration is not recommended for this availability group

    But there is no error or warning in Quorum configuration on WSFC. Please advise.

    I attached the screen shot for Quorum configuration taken from SSMS

  • The reason it says not recommended is because the node votes are unavailable. What OS are you using?

    Can you post the results of the following query run on the cluster node via a Powershell command prompt?

    get-clusternode -cluster "clustername" | ft name, dynamicweight, nodeweight, state, id

    If you don't know the cluster name run this first



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry,

    Windows OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition with SP1

    PS C:\Users\dbadmin> get-clusternode -cluster "ALWAYSON" | ft name, dynamicweight, nodeweight, state, id

    Name dynamicweight nodeweight State Id

    ---- ------------- ---------- ----- --

    SQLNode1 Up 00000000-0000-0000-0...

    SQLNode2 Up 00000000-0000-0000-0...

    Please advice why the node votes are unavailable?


  • ah ok, i was incorrectly assuming you were using Windows 2012, that PS command is incorrect. Check the cluster events to ensure that there are no errors. I'll need to replicate to test but i'm sure that is says "unavailable" in your case as this OS does not support that cluster feature.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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