Task Scheduler Job set up for Sql Server Agent

  • Hello,

    I am trying setup automatic job using the windows task scheduler to notify when Sql Agent service stopped but somehow i am not getting alert when i am manually stopping but when i run the job manually then i am getting the email notification.

    I think it should be right windows event trigger setting bu i am not sure which one i should setup the triggering action.

    I need notification when sql agent service stopped.

    If someone can help me out?


    Thanks in advance!

  • I am calling PowerShell script using batch script.

    Batch Script:

    powershell.exe -command C:\Users\ServiceCheck.ps1

    Powershell Script (ServiceCheck.ps1):

    $servers=get-content "C:\Users\servers.txt"

    foreach($server in $servers)


    # go to each server and return the name and state of services

    # that are like "SQLAgent" and where their state is stopped

    # return the output as a string

    $body=get-wmiobject win32_service -computername $server |

    select name,state |

    where {($_.name -like "SQLAGENT*" -or $_.name -like "SQL*AGENT") `

    -and $_.state -match "Stopped"} |


    if ($body.Length -gt 0)


    #Create a .net mail client

    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("mail.myinc.com")

    $subject="SQL Agent is down on " + $server

    $smtp.Send("pds0809@myinc.com", "pds0809@myinc.com", $subject, $body)

    "message sent"



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