Table Growth

  • We have 30 K tables in DB and I have a table which checks the table growth of each table on Daily basis. Application do create new table.

    I want to know if any new table created with his size. Can someone please help me with Query?






    From Table_Growth


  • I think the following would give you the result you need:






    From Table_Growth

    where datediff(d,[TBL_date],getdate())=1
  • I am getting the list of all the table with above query.

    I basically want to know the list of new table created in last 5 days as compare to table I have in my table.

    I have 30K tables and lets say extra 5 table created in last 5 days I want to know with the table name and its size

  • I think I misunderstood your first post. Does the table contain:

    a) One row for each table and the date is the last time it was updated or

    b) One row for each table for each date?


  • Table has been insert one row for each table for each date

  • I think the following might give you the result you need?:

    select [tbl_name], [tbl_space] from table_growth tg where 
    not exists (select 1 from table_growth tg1 where tg.tbl_name=tg1.[tbl_name] and datediff(d,[tbl_date],getdate())>=5)


  • Thanks a lot yes this worked as I expected

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