Table Design to Store Custom Email Subject & Body

  • My requirement would be to send emails to managers & associated employee based on few business rules.

    The subject & body are different for each business rules. So I was thinking about adding a new table in the db to store the subject & body and pull the subject & body while sending emails.

    I'm using sp_send_dbmail from the stored procedure. I would like to see any best practices, table design practices if any.

    Thank you all.

  • table design is purely based on the requirement.

    Are there any other requirements around these emails? i.e if there is any change to the Body for a Line of Business do you want to update it or want to have version of the data!!

  • Here we do send quite a few emails. We have

    Table1 - Emails, put in the actual email text. may have tokens embedded that are replaced at send time.

    table2 - email recipients (who's getting a particular email), linked to table 1

    as we send, we update table2 with date/time and status.

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