Sum fields from multiple tables

  • I have individual Monthly tables (eg: AMOLTST_01_2012), so Jan is 01 and so on...

    I have a SP that takes the Name and a dateFrom and dateTo.

    My question is how do I code a solution to dynamically create a temporary table that sums field1,field2..... from each of these tables. But at design time the code wont know what these tables will be.

    Eg: The following parameters will be input: @authority, @dateFrom, @dateTo

    So the tables could be : AMOLTST_01_2012, AMOLTST_02_2012, AMOLTST_03_2012

    But i dont know how to say sum(field1) FROM .... and then reference these tables somehow.

    Darryl Wilson

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  • begin

    declare @param varchar(10),@dateFrom varchar(10)='09/13/2011'

    declare @output nvarchar(255),@output1 nvarchar(255)

    declare @tab_cnt int,@init int= 1,@query nvarchar(500)

    declare @input_filename table (sno int identity (1,1),table_name varchar(20))

    declare @output_tab table (sno int identity(1,1),table_name varchar(20),cnt int)

    set @output = N'@outputval nvarchar(255) OUTPUT'

    insert into @input_filename

    select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where TABLE_NAME like 'AMOLTST_%_2012'

    select @tab_cnt = COUNT(*) from @input_filename

    while (@init <=@tab_cnt)


    select @query = 'select @Outputval = count(*) from '+table_name +' AND CONVERT(VARCHAR (10),DATEfrom ,101)= '''+@dateFrom +''' ' from @input_filename where sno = @init

    execute sp_executesql @query , @output, @output1 OUTPUT;

    insert into @output_tab

    select TABLE_NAME,@output1 FROM @input_filename WHERE sno = @init;

    set @init = @init+1


    select * from @output_tab



    siva kumar J

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