Suggestion for newsletter format

  • I loved the old newsletter format:  To the left there was a table of contents that you could glance at to find topics of interest.  As a very busy developer, this helped me zoom in on what I was interested in.  The old format made very efficient use of space:  It was single-spaced and took 100% of the width.

    The new format has no table of contents, is almost double-spaced, and has a very narrow fixed width.  It's as if I need to do a full row-by-agonizing-row table scan to find the data I need.  Please add an index to your heap-table email!

  • Bug filed to add the TOC back

  • I'm also missing the TOC. As a very busy developer that is required.

  • I also liked the old format better. Easier to find all the information quickly and I liked the way it was grouped

  • I also missed the question posted by users it was well organized

  • Thanks for the votes. I'll note this in the ticket.

  • I agree 100% with anon123's post... couldn't have worded it any better. Please bring back the old format with a TOC/less white space.

    "I loved the old newsletter format: To the left there was a table of contents that you could glance at to find topics of interest. As a very busy developer, this helped me zoom in on what I was interested in. The old format made very efficient use of space: It was single-spaced and took 100% of the width.

    The new format has no table of contents, is almost double-spaced, and has a very narrow fixed width. It’s as if I need to do a full row-by-agonizing-row table scan to find the data I need. Please add an index to your heap-table email!"

  • I second, third, whatever the old format!

    I loved the featured content being right at the top of the email so it can easily be read through.

  • I also liked the old format better. More compact and concise. I also miss the seeing the forum names for questions.

  • Looks like a round of edits was done on the newsletter format. Looks great! Thanks for listening and incorporating comments!

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