Strange error when using union to select 2 identical tables

  • Do any one know what is the difference between following two syntaxes. The first one is running ok but other one is throwing an error.

    SELECT  ddseqno,transno,procdat,glacnt,depodat,prseqno,voiddat,postqtr,postyr,voidqtr,voidyr,adduser,adddate,addtime,lckstat,lckuser,lckdate,lcktime,bankrec,pmvoid,pmexport,id_col FROM PRHDDT 

    UNION SELECT ddseqno,transno,procdat,glacnt,depodat,prseqno,voiddat,postqtr,postyr,voidqtr,voidyr,adduser,adddate,addtime,lckstat,lckuser,lckdate,lcktime,bankrec,pmvoid,pmexport,id_col FROM PRYHDD

    select  * from prhddt union select * from pryhdd


    On First Syntax I include every field from table.

    The Results are as follows:

    (18253 row(s) affected)

    Server: Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

    Syntax error converting datetime from character string.

    Is it a bug in SQL server or Am I doing wrong?

    I am using Sql server 2000.

  • Is there a difference in the locations of the fields between the two tables?  (i.e., does one table have a date in a location and the other table has a varchar in that location of its table?). 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Tables are truly identical. I check them may be 100 times since morning  but couldn't find any difference. One is current table and other one is history table.

  • What is the result of this query on the system tables:

    Select * From syscolumns c1

    Where id = object_id('prhddt')

    And Exists (

      Select 1

      From syscolumns c2

      Where = object_id('pryhdd')

      And   c2.colorder = c1.colorder

      And   ( <>

             or c2.xusertype <> c1.xusertype

             or c2.length <> c1.length

             or c2.isnullable <> c1.isnullable)


  • I appoligize for my last post. I generated the script for both tables and found that  there is one difference. lckuser and lckdate are interchanged in tables. I changed the position and now it is working.  Thanks for the help.

  • This is espicially why you should always list the columns one by one in the statements. If this is production code and that the column order rechanges for any reason, you'll be back in the same situation.

  • I agree with Remi - it is better to have a target list rather than a * - you know what you have.

    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

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