Stored procedure with "execute as" breaks

  • Hello,

    Consider the following:

    create procedure jason_test


    bulk insert Table1 from 'd:\BulkTest\Source.dat' with (formatfile = 'd:BulkTest\Format.fmt')


    create procedure jason_test_exec

    with execute as 'bulk_insert_test_user'


    bulk insert Table1 from 'd:\BulkTest\Source.dat' with (formatfile = 'd:BulkTest\Format.fmt')


    (the only difference is the execute as clause)

    Then, log into SQL Server via management stuido as the SQL user "bulk_insert_test_user" this user has server-level bulk admin rights and execute rights on both of these stored procs:

    exec jason_test

    This works

    exec jason_test_exec


    Msg 4834, Level 16, State 1, Procedure jason_test_exec, Line 4

    You do not have permission to use the bulk load statement.

    Can anyone help? Why is the user prevented from running this bulk insert inside the stored proc with "execute as" ? The profiler trace from both of these stored procs have identical results for the SP: StmtStarting event.

    Note that this is SQL 2005, SP2 (version 9.00.3054). No culmulative hotfixes applied. 64 bit Enterprise Edition. Our exact problem is more involved than this, but this isolates the concern.



  • My guess is that certain server level permissions cannot be trasnferred this way. Perhaps this explains it?

    Is this a user and not a login?

  • Hi Steve,

    the "bulk_insert_test_user" is a SQL Login and a member of the BulkAdmin server role. It is a user in the database in question with execute rights to both of the test stored procedures.

    With all that said, the kb article you reference nailed it. I set trustworthy on for a quick test and now both stored procs run.



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