Stored procedure execution not behaving

  • Hi,

    I've been trying to configure a simple publication to replicate stored procedure execution as per this post[/url] but no matter what I try every time I execute the SP on the Publisher db the updates get pushed row by row to the subscriber rather than calling the expected SP (ie I see a number of exec [sp_MSins_dboTestArticle] commands when profiling the subscriber database rather than a single call to the addheaprows SP).

    I've followed all the instructions on multiple websites including MSDN (setting the SP article properties, calling it in a Serializable transaction) and simply can't get this to work. The publication is set up as Transactional on SQL Server 2014 with a single Pull Subscriber (I've also tried push).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, could there be something obvious I'm overlooking?


  • Are you using Change Data Capture? CDC forces it to do record level replication.

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  • Ahhh ok yes I am, thanks very much.

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