Stored Proc or Table Valued Function? Pivot problem

  • Hi Guys,

    I've wriiten a stored procedure to dynamically sum monthly totals in a financial year. However, I need to call it from within a view(which according to research is not possible). I can't even used a table valued function as I'm using a sql string because of the dynamic pivot columns. Here is my stored proc. I need to put this in a view because my front end uses tables or view to build a grid.

    I get the start and end date of a financial year. I then call a function "getMonthList" that gives me the month's between the start and end dates. That gives me the columns I then use in the pivot query.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[DynamicTimeSheetTotals]



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    DECLARE @PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX)



    Select @StartDate = StartDate from dbo.FinancialYear()

    Select @EndDate = EndDate from dbo.FinancialYear()

    SELECT @PivotColumnHeaders =


    @PivotColumnHeaders + ',[' + convert(varchar(7),[MONTH],111) + ']',

    '[' + convert(varchar(7),[MONTH],111) + ']'


    FROM dbo.GetMonthList(@StartDate, @EndDate)


    SET @PivotTableSQL = N'

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    ts .TaskID, ts .ResourceID, ts .num_hours, convert(varchar(7),ts.work_date,111) AS MM, t .TopicID

    FROM OSC_Meeting_TimeSheet ts LEFT OUTER JOIN

    OSC_Meeting_Tasks t ON t .TaskID = ts .TaskID

    WHERE YEAR(ts .work_Date) >= YEAR(GETDATE())

    ) TableDate

    PIVOT (


    FOR [MM] IN (

    ' + @PivotColumnHeaders + '


    ) PivotTable




  • There ia a problem with what you're trying to accomplish.

    Basically, you can't do it. Sql doesn't allow dynamic naming of columns in views.

    You have to do something like Period1, Period2, Period3, Period4,...,PeriodN , where N is a large enough number to handle the max number of periods you need to support. Then you also have to write a TVF with hardcoded logic to pivot your data (dynamic pivot goes away)

    it's going to be fairly ugly, but doable.

  • This shouldn't be too difficult.

    What does @PivotColumnHeaders look like?

    Can you provide DDL for the two tables, with some sample data?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
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