Steps for "test restore" of a database backup

  • I have seen many references to performing test restores as part of a good backup and recovery plan. What I do at this point is copy my latest .bak to a testing server and then run DBCC CHECKDB.

    Assuming DBCC CHECKDB returns no errors, what else can be done to ensure the restore is successful? Am I missing anything?

  • They're 2 different things, really. Restoring a prod backup on a test machine, if the DB comes back online, will tell you that you have backed up the DB as it was in prod. Running DBCC on that copied database will tell you if the database you backed up was corrupted in prod when you backed it up. Not all corruption will result in a failed backup or a failed restore. You can have good backup/restore processes and still be backing up/restoring garbage.

    As you are doing, you need to validate both. If you can restore the backup and DBCC comes back clean, you should be pretty confident that your database has been preserved and would come back to life in a usable state.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • David,

    Thank you for your answer. So, I guess this is a case where best practice doesn't necessarily mean smooth sailing.

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