SSIS Query objectGUID

  • Hi,

    I have an issue where I need to connect one of our systems to Active Directory but the connection is pathetic at best. If I wanted to link these people regularly I would have to click "connect to Active Directory" in each persons user. I would much rather query Active Directory to create this connection.

    I have one problem though. I am trying to use SSIS, I was using an query that says "'SELECT objectGUID,distinguishedName,sAMAccountName FROM ''LDAP://xxx.xx/OU=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx'' WHERE objectCategory=''user'' and whenCreated >=20141009000000.0Z'

    Which works great (I might have some single quotes and double quotes missing in the query because I copied it from my test area not the SSIS) except that objectGUID shoots out "System.Byte[]" and I cannot find a way to convert or change this to be usuable as a uniqueIdentifier sql value.

    Any ideas on what I need to do to make this work or if there are any other routes I should be taking to do this?

  • For my own memory, I ended up resolving this by using an OLE DB Source with a linked server to Active Directory where the linked server is on the database that the SSIS package runs on.

    I was unable use this type of a linked server remotely, I had to be on that machine connected to that database to run this successfully, It made testing difficult because i had to duplicate the conditions on my own development machine before deployment.

    I also within the select statement case the GUID as a uniqueIdentifier.

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