• I am facing error with SQLCMD(sql 2005 EE)

    SQLCMD -E -S<Ipaddress>

    Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Unable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection.

    When I tried

    SQLCMD -E -S<ipaddress> -l20

    it connected.

    I tried with sql authentication

    SQLCMD -S<Ipaddress> -U<username> -P<pwd>

    It worked fine.

    issue with windows authentication

    Facing some delay while connecting thorugh SSMS

  • I do not see how any of those with the -S switch specified would work without an instance name. The -S switch needs an instance name defined. Additionally, if you are using the -E switch for trusted authtentication you have to specify -S with the instance name, even if it is a local instance.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • May be some issue with your network or firewall blocking server login which inturn giving an error,

    and one more thing -S switch will not work without instance name you are willing to connect.

  • sqlcmd failed using windows authentication ..-E

    it basically happens due to if installation done from different login and now

    you login into server with different login...

    in this case what can do ..

    open cmd with all windows user ..and check one by one..

    i was facing some issue one of my server...but its solved using above solution



  • HI

    I edited the request above.I am facing issue with Windows login only.with sql login it is working fine.

    The windows login has sysamin rights.if I put -l parameter then windows login is working.It seems a delay for windows authentication.

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