SQL Server version

  • How do i find out the SQL Server version i'm running (and the service pack)?

  • Most accurate way is to run SELECT @@VERSION and compare the value to the list here:

    SQLSecurity.com: SQL Server Version Database

    K. Brian Kelley

  • In EM just rightclick on the server where the Db is and choose properties. It says it all on the generaltab.


  • Hi All

    you can use this query to know about the SQL Service pack version.

    select serverproperty('productlevel')


  • Hi !

    I guess there is not much to add, so I'll make a summary on the issue:


    SQL Server 2000 Original Release 8.00.194 RTM

    Database Components SP1 8.00.384 SP1

    Database Components SP2 8.00.534 SP2

    Database Components SP3, SP3a or MSDE 2000 Release A. 8.00.760 SP3

    Database Components SP4 8.00.2039 SP4


    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')--sp installed

    SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') -- this is useful to know which edition you are running, the results could be :"desktop engine," = MSDE 2000,"Developer Edition",etc

    and last but not least : SELECT @@VERSION

    Best regards


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