SQL Server 2014 - sqlservr.exe using an extreme amount of memory over the maximum server allocated

  • SQL Server 2014 - sqlservr.exe using an extreme amount of memory over the maximum server allocated

    I have a SQL Server 2014 Enterprise instance 64 bit version (12.0.5203) on Server 2012 R2 Standard

    This server has 256 GB of RAM.

    Yesterday I noticed in task manager that the sqlservr.exe was using approximately 250,000,000 KB

    My SQL Server memory settings were as follows:

    Minimum Server memory 100GB

    Maximum Server memory 200GB

    Has any one experienced this behavior before? I know SQL Server uses memory outside of the min and max for certain operations so the total used can go above max but my server was dangerously close to running out of memory.

    Thanks for any advice or help! -Mark G.

    Partial Output from DBCC MEMORYSTATUS

    Process/System Counts Value

    ---------------------------------------- --------------------

    Available Physical Memory 4788408320

    Available Virtual Memory 140093180801024

    Available Paging File 40552689664

    Working Set 261885042688

    Percent of Committed Memory in WS 100

    Page Faults 207722370

    System physical memory high 0

    System physical memory low 0

    Process physical memory low 0

    Process virtual memory low 0

    Memory Manager KB

    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Reserved 430069016

    VM Committed 103963488

    Locked Pages Allocated 0

    Large Pages Allocated 0

    Emergency Memory 1024

    Emergency Memory In Use 16

    Target Committed 103963488

    Current Committed 103963488

    Pages Allocated 90312872

    Pages Reserved 6760

    Pages Free 6864568

    Pages In Use 9407656

    Page Alloc Potential 126921272

    NUMA Growth Phase 2

    Last OOM Factor 0

    Last OS Error 0

    Memory node Id = 0 KB

    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Reserved 429969992

    VM Committed 51981736

    Locked Pages Allocated 0

    Pages Allocated 40979608

    Pages Free 6864544

    Target Committed 51981736

    Current Committed 51981736

    Foreign Committed 1195696

    Away Committed 0

    Taken Away Committed 0

    Memory node Id = 1 KB

    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Reserved 98960

    VM Committed 51981732

    Locked Pages Allocated 0

    Pages Allocated 49333264

    Pages Free 24

    Target Committed 51981736

    Current Committed 51981736

    Foreign Committed 0

    Away Committed 0

    Taken Away Committed 0


    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Reserved 208068756

    VM Committed 5431324

    Locked Pages Allocated 0

    SM Reserved 0

    SM Committed 0

    Pages Allocated 39691256


    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Reserved 0

    VM Committed 0

    Locked Pages Allocated 0

    SM Reserved 0

    SM Committed 0

    Pages Allocated 48009944

  • The max and min memory settings only affects the instance itself and not Services running outside of the instance.

    So the question is:

    Are there alot of Long running SQL Server Agent Jobs?

    Are you auditing alot?

    Is there a lot of index operations such as rebuilds, reorgs etc?

    Something else to remember is that if you give SQL Server a Maximum Setting of 200GB, that is what it will eat.....

    It is very likely that what you are seeing is normal behaviour with the Setup you have.

  • Thanks for your response!

    Of all my sql agent jobs that run only one takes a while. My DBCC CHECKDB runs about 3-4 hours, however it was not running during this period when I noticed SQL Server was using 250GB.

    I do not do any auditing other than the default trace.

    There were no rebuilds or reorgs occurring.

    I was expecting the SQL Server to use the full 200GB and maybe even a little more but not as much as I witnessed.

    If it is something like the an agent job using the extra memory, should it release it when it is done?



  • To be honest I think you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I reckon when you examine PLE for the instance that it will be very high, a good sign. Because you have so much memory allocated SQL Server makes use of it. That means the LRU algorithm will run less because everything fits inside the space you allocated.

    I doubt very much that you are experiencing performance problems, in fact exactly the opposite.

    My advice to you is to relax and simply let it run. I don't think anything is wrong at all.

    The only thing I can think of is that because only 6GB is left over on the server that if you aren't careful you could starve the operating system and software that runs outside of the SQL Server Installation. I would in this case reduce the instance max memory to 190GB just to be on the safe side.

  • One thing I didn't mention is that users use Link Server heavily on this machine.

    The Link is using Sybase OLEDB.

    This could very well be the culprit.

    I have lowered my max server to 160GB for now to see what happens.

    I am not confident that out of the 250GB used up that 200GB of that was from the Objects inside the max server memory area. I thought this to be the case because I started to lower the max server memory in increments and did not see the 250GB go down at all.

    Also because of the following values taken at the time of the pressure:

    (It looks like something did not allow memory manager to use more than its minimum.)


    Working Set 261885042688


    Memory Manager KB

    ---------------------------------------- -----------

    VM Committed 103963488

    Target Committed 103963488

    Current Committed 103963488

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