SP w/ Dynamic SQL Works, Sometimes

  • I have a stored procedure building dynamic SQL based on input parameters, with a simple PHP web screen for users to input values.

    When it's run, it should build 4 scripts into variable @SQL_CMD, and then EXEC (@SQL_CMD) each script each time.

    It executes the first one, but the next one doesn't execute and the SP stops without doing any more steps.

    I write @SQL_CMD value into a log file before each step to check the syntax, and it works perfectly if I copy paste to a query window, with the same permission.

    Also, if I run the Stored procedure manually from a query window, passing parameters, it does all the steps.

    Seems strange that it only stops half way when invoked from the PHP window


  • Are the all 4 scripts in Variable "@SQL_CMD" are Select statements ? If they are then that means your SPs is generating multiple result set.

    you need to handle it in your PHP.

    OR you can use UNION ALL, to club all the select statements generating a single select statement.

  • All the "@SQL_CMD" are INSERT statements.

    The process is for a simple utility for users. They enter some parameters such as Job#, State, and search string. The Stored Procedure does a lookup of records that match, and then inserts into another table.

    Everything works from Query window, but very puzzled why it works half-way, then stops when called from the PHP application.

  • What's the best way to trap for possible error on the dynamic INSERT statement ?

    An earlier dynamic INSERT to a different table in the same database does work, so it's not permissions.

    I added this to the SP, but get no record in my JobStepStatus table inside the CATCH, so I assume that means the SQL_CMD is not failing.


    EXEC (@SQL_CMD) --'Run it'



    SELECT @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()

    ,@ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

    ,@ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()

    -- ,@ErrorProcedure = ERROR_PROCEDURE()

    ,@ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE()

    ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()

    INSERT INTO [job_monitor].[dbo].[JobStepStatus]-- LOG









    ,'ListMember insert Error'



    ,'Error#: ' + cast(@ErrorNumber as varchar(10)) + ' Severity: ' + cast(@ErrorSeverity as varchar(10))

    + ' State: ' + cast(@ErrorState as varchar(10)) -- + ' Procedure: ' + @ErrorProcedure

    + ' Line: ' + cast(@ErrorLine as varchar(10)) + ' ErrorMessage: ' + @ErrorMessage

    ,'SQL Stage Server'


  • In case it helps, here the whole SP, with a comment where @SQL_CMD WORKS and @SQL_CMD DOES NOT WORK.

    Must be some dumb mistake somewhere.

    ALTER procedure dbo.usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer

    @Job_ID int = 0

    ,@Recruiter_MemID int = NULL-- Recruiter's MEM_ID for the new list being created in ListContacts

    ,@List_Name_New varchar(200) = NULL-- Name for the new list being created in ListContacts

    ,@CheckFUNC char(1) = NULL-- Match on FUNCTION ? Y,N

    ,@CheckIND char(1) = NULL-- Match on INDUSTRY ? Y,N

    ,@CheckLOC char(1) = NULL-- Match on LOCATION ? Y,N

    ,@SearchString varchar(2000) = NULL-- Search Word lookup

    ,@State varchar(300) = NULL-- State Codes


    DECLARE @Status_OUT varchar(200),

    @JOB_funcCode1 varchar(5),

    @JOB_funcCode2 varchar(5),

    @JOB_indCode1 varchar(5),

    @JOB_indCode2 varchar(5),

    @JOB_locCode1 varchar(6),

    @JOB_locCode2 varchar(6),

    @SQL_CMD varchar(5000),

    @List_ID_New int

    set @SearchString = replace(@SearchString, ' %', ' ''%') -- Put quote ' before leading %

    set @SearchString = replace(@SearchString, '% ', '%'' ') -- Put quote ' after trailing %

    set @SearchString = replace(@SearchString, '%)', '%'')') -- Put closing quote ' before )

    --/*** debugging

    select @Job_ID as '@Job_ID',

    @Recruiter_MemID as '@Recruiter_MemID',

    @CheckFUNC as '@CheckFUNC' ,-- Match on FUNCTION ? Y,N

    @CheckIND as '@CheckIND' ,-- Match on INDUSTRY ? Y,N

    @CheckLOC as '@CheckLOC',-- Match on LOCATION ? Y,N

    @SearchString as '@SearchString' ,-- Search Word lookup

    @State as '@State'


    -- State comes in like: AL,FL,GA,LA,MS convert to: 'AL','FL','GA','LA','MS'

    set @State = '''' + @State + '''' -- First leading & trailing quotes

    set @State = replace(@State, ',', ''',''') -- then quotes between the states

    set @JOB_funcCode1 = (select JOB_funcCode1 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    set @JOB_funcCode2 = (select JOB_funcCode2 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    set @JOB_indCode1 = (select JOB_indCode1 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    set @JOB_indCode2 = (select JOB_indCode2 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    set @JOB_locCode1 = (select JOB_locCode1 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    set @JOB_locCode2 = (select JOB_locCode2 from Client.dbo.job where job_id = @Job_ID)

    truncate table Client.dbo.Job_Match

    IF (@SearchString > ' ')


    set @SQL_CMD = 'INSERT into Client.dbo.Job_Match

    select ' +

    cast(@Job_ID as varchar(10)) + ' , j.job_id, JOB_funcCode1 ,JOB_funcCode2 ,JOB_indCode1 ,JOB_indCode2 ,JOB_locCode1 ,JOB_locName1 ,JOB_locCode2 ,JOB_locName2,

    ''' + REPLACE(@SearchString,'''','') + ''' as ''Searchword1'', '''' as ''Searchword2'', '''' as And_Or, job_title, JOB_PI_posDesc

    FROM Client.dbo.job j

    where 1=1 '

    IF @CheckFUNC = 'Y'

    SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND ((JOB_funcCode1 > '' '' and JOB_funcCode1 = ''' + @JOB_funcCode1 + ''') OR (JOB_funcCode2 > '' '' and JOB_funcCode2 = ''' + @JOB_funcCode2 + ''' ))'

    IF @CheckIND = 'Y'

    SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND ((JOB_indCode1 > '' '' and JOB_indCode1 = ''' + @JOB_indCode1 + ''' ) OR (JOB_indCode2 > '' '' and JOB_indCode2 = ''' + @JOB_indCode2 + ''' ))'

    IF @CheckLOC = 'Y'

    SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND ((JOB_locCode1 > '' '' and JOB_locCode1 = ''' + @JOB_locCode1 + ''' ) OR (JOB_locCode2 > '' '' and JOB_locCode2 = ''' + @JOB_locCode2 + ''' ))'

    SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND ' + @SearchString + ' '

    SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND Job_ReleaseDate > dateadd(yy, -5, getdate()) ' -- ALL check if Within last 5 years

    INSERT INTO job_monitor.dbo.JobStepStatus-- LOG









    ,'usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer- Job_Match Insert, with searchword'




    ,'SQL Stage'







    -- Now insert MEMBERS into ListMember from VIEWED and APPLIED


    -- Create a temp table to capture the new list ID created

    DECLARE @TempList_Id table( TempList_Id int)

    -- Create new ListContacts Record: Populate Recruiter MemID, List Name. ListID will auto populate

    INSERT INTO Client.dbo.ListContacts




    OUTPUT INSERTED.List_Id INTO @TempList_Id -- Writes new List_ID into Temp table for later use

    select @Recruiter_MemID, @List_Name_New , NULL

    -- set variable to new List_id for use in ListMember

    set @List_ID_New = (select TempList_Id from @TempList_Id)

    -- APPLIES from MemberJobsApplied_History into

    set @SQL_CMD = 'INSERT INTO Client.dbo.ListMember

    select distinct ' + cast(@List_ID_New as varchar(10)) + ' , mj_applied_mem_id, NULL

    from Client.dbo.MemberJobsApplied_History MJH

    join Client.dbo.Member M on m.mem_id = mj_applied_mem_id

    join Client.dbo.membereprofile mep on mep.mem_id = M.mem_id

    join Client.dbo.Job_Match JM on JM.Job_ID = MJH.mj_applied_job_id

    where mj_applied_mem_id > 0

    AND NOT EXISTS (select * from Client.dbo.ListMember where ListM_contact_Id = mj_applied_mem_id and ListM_List_Id = ' + cast(@List_ID_New as varchar(10)) + ' )

    and M.Memst_id in (1,4) ' -- Active, Inactive

    IF @State > ' ' SET @SQL_CMD = @SQL_CMD + ' AND MEP.STA_ID in (' + @STATE + ')'

    INSERT INTO job_monitor.dbo.JobStepStatus-- LOG









    ,'usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer- ListMember insert applies before'




    ,'SQL Stage'

    DECLARE @ErrorNumber int

    DECLARE @ErrorSeverity int

    DECLARE @ErrorState int

    DECLARE @ErrorProcedure varchar(128)

    DECLARE @ErrorLine int

    DECLARE @ErrorMessage varchar(4000)





    EXEC (@SQL_CMD) --'Run it'



    SELECT @ErrorNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()

    ,@ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

    ,@ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()

    -- ,@ErrorProcedure = ERROR_PROCEDURE()

    ,@ErrorLine = ERROR_LINE()

    ,@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE()

    INSERT INTO job_monitor.dbo.JobStepStatus-- LOG









    ,'usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer- ListMember insert applies ERROR'



    ,'Error#: ' + cast(@ErrorNumber as varchar(10)) + ' Severity: ' + cast(@ErrorSeverity as varchar(10))

    + ' State: ' + cast(@ErrorState as varchar(10)) -- + ' Procedure: ' + @ErrorProcedure

    + ' Line: ' + cast(@ErrorLine as varchar(10)) + ' ErrorMessage: ' + @ErrorMessage

    ,'SQL Stage'


    -- Log AFTER running SQL

    INSERT INTO job_monitor.dbo.JobStepStatus-- LOG









    ,'usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer- ListMember insert applies AFTER'




    ,'SQL Stage'

  • Should @SQL_CMD be NVARCHAR?

  • djj (7/21/2016)

    Should @SQL_CMD be NVARCHAR?

    Do you think that would make a difference in my case ?

    All our similar SP code uses VARCHAR.

  • homebrew01 (7/21/2016)

    djj (7/21/2016)

    Should @SQL_CMD be NVARCHAR?

    Do you think that would make a difference in my case ?

    All our similar SP code uses VARCHAR.

    I just remember that one of the execute things needed Unicode. This may not.


    Alex Suprun

  • djj (7/21/2016)

    Should @SQL_CMD be NVARCHAR?

    I tried it, no improvement

  • djj (7/21/2016)

    homebrew01 (7/21/2016)

    djj (7/21/2016)

    Should @SQL_CMD be NVARCHAR?

    Do you think that would make a difference in my case ?

    All our similar SP code uses VARCHAR.

    I just remember that one of the execute things needed Unicode. This may not.

    No, it doesn't make a significant difference. When using sp_executesql, there is an implicit conversion from varchar to nvarchar if the input isn't nvarchar. This implicit conversion is negligible.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • homebrew01 (7/21/2016)

    All the "@SQL_CMD" are INSERT statements.

    The process is for a simple utility for users. They enter some parameters such as Job#, State, and search string. The Stored Procedure does a lookup of records that match, and then inserts into another table.

    Everything works from Query window, but very puzzled why it works half-way, then stops when called from the PHP application.

    Please check the following:

    1. Make sure when you are connecting with PHP, its using the same Server and same DB which you are currently working. (You never know :-))

    2. As you already have the job monitor table in your SP. i would recommend to store your Calling Parameters in that monitor table.

    3. Have you can compare the result of 'job_monitor.dbo.JobStepStatus' when called from window query and when called from PHP.

    what you have found so far?

    Few recommendation regarding working with dynamic SQL:

    1. Passing a Comma-separated string in a @Param of you SP, it should be either 8000 or set it MAX, either varchar/nvarchar.

    2. Local variable which is being used to store the complete dynamic query, SHOULD BE set to MAX, either varchar/nvarchar to avoid running out of character while generating dynamic query.

    3. (My opinion people may disagree) Instead of using EXEC, you should be using sp_executesql. because EXEC statement is depreciated and will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Have you tried printing the statements before executing them? Maybe a null is giving you problems.

    I would suggest that you follow twin devil's recommendations. I disagree on the reason for number 3. You should use sp_executesql to use parameters in your dynamic queries. Right now, you're wide open to SQL injection.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks for the replies. I know the SP is hitting the correct database, because it completes 1 of the inserts correctly, but just "stops" at the next one.

    All I can think is there's some condition, like a timeout setting or something in PHP causing it to fail. But when I run it from SQL Mgt studio, it only takes 30 seconds, nothing extreme. (I am a PHP dummy)

    I don't think there are any problems with data or parameters. I trap the SQL syntax for the step that it should run, and if I run it manually it works.

    Also, I have a trace set up to capture the call of the stored procedure from PHP. If I copy-paste the trace data that calls the SP into a QRY window and run it, with the same login as PHP is using, it works perfectly. Here's the command found in the trace file, and it works perfectly.

    -- From SQL Trace. Works perfectly in a QRY window

    EXEC usp_JobMatch_ListTransfer


    @List_Name_New='GD 721 454',


    @SearchString=' (JOB_Title_posDesc_Comb like %regional%) ',


  • All I can think is there's some condition, like a timeout setting or something in PHP causing it to fail. But when I run it from SQL Mgt studio, it only takes 30 seconds, nothing extreme.

    Well if you want to check that you can use Transaction. i-e try to execute all the insert statement under a single Transaction so that if there is any failure/timeout then the complete transaction either fails or completes.

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