Snapshot Isolation and DMVs

  • I recently noticed that DMVs, or at least sys.dm_db_partition_stats, does not respect snapshot isolation.  I couldn't find anything describing this behavior in books online, so I was wondering if this is expected/desired behavior?  Here are steps to follow if you'd like to repeat the behavior:

    1. Create a dummy table but don't add any values to it yet:
      IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.SnapshotIsolationTest') IS NOT NULL
      DROP TABLE SnapshotIsolationTest;

      CREATE TABLE SnapshotIsolationTest
      col1 INT


    2. In a 2nd query window, start a transaction with snapshot isolation level snapshot that counts the number of records in the table. Don't commit the transaction.  Running this will show 0 records, as expected:
      --Set isolation level to snapshot so that the max row version is consistent with the data selected

      FROM dbo.SnapshotIsolationTest;

    3. In a 3rd query window, set transaction isolation level to snapshot and then get a row count using sys.dm_db_partition_stats. Don't commit the transaction yet. Running this will show 0 records, as expected:
      --Set isolation level to snapshot so that the max row version is consistent with the data selected

      FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
      WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('SnapshotIsolationTest')
      AND (
      index_id = 0
      OR index_id = 1

    4. Now add 2 records to the table created in the first query window:
      INSERT INTO dbo.SnapshotIsolationTest (
      VALUES (0),(1);

    5. Go back to the 2nd query window and rerun the SELECT COUNT(*) - remember that this is still an open transaction with snapshot isolation which started before the values were inserted into the table.  It still shows 0 records, as expected.
    6. In the 3rd query window, rerun the sys.dm_db_partition_stats query - remember that this is also still an open transaction with snapshot isolation which started before the values were inserted into the table.  It shows 2 records, not respecting the transaction isolation level.
  • I would expect that behavior honestly.  I don't see how SQL could realistically maintain a potentially almost unlimited number of intermediate row counts for different snapshot points for every table in the db.  That would be extremely complex, for very little real payback.

    On the other hand, I would expect SQL to make sure that a COUNT(*) was accurate, no matter how many snapshot points there were in the table.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • I am surprised to see this.  Thank you for posting it.

  • Yeah, this has been known for a while.

    See herehere, and here (this last is the wayback machine's copy of the connect item referenced by the second article).

    From the first link:

    (You can get the same information from sys.dm_db_partition_stats, but in that case change p.rows to p.row_count (yay consistency!). In fact, this is the same view that sp_spaceused uses to derive the count – and while it is much easier to type than the above query, I recommend against using it just to derive a count because of all of the extra calculations it does – unless you want that information, too. Also note that it uses metadata functions that do not obey your outer isolation level, so you could end up waiting on blocking when you call this procedure.)

    (my emphasis)


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Jacob Wilkins.

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