Snapshot Folder is not deleting automatically in Transactional Replication.

  • Hi Team,

    I created transnational replication to replicate the data from one server to other server.I am daily generating snapshot for some of the tables on snapshot folder.But old folders are not getting deleted from snapshot folder.. any thought?

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • Old snapshots are deleted by the distribution cleanup agent. The distribution cleanup job will delete snapshots older than the @max_disretention value. It used to be, haven't tested so may still be true, the snapshot agent will only try once to remove previous files so if it hits an error or the files are locked or something like that they won't get deleted. Check the snapshot agent history to see if any errors are reported. Make sure the distribution cleanup job is running successfully. Make sure SQL Server agent has full rights on the snapshot folder.


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