Setting a Default Database for your Logins

  • I like the idea of always specifying a default database in the connection string. I'm guilty of not always doing it and your article makes me resolve to start. However, and his may be specific to our applications, but a given application usually only starts up in one database and we make the initial connection there. We usually let the application have a login specific to it and then validate users against a table in that database. Therefore, a given SQL login only has rights to one database in the first place, so to me it makes sense to have the default database be the one it's going to be using.

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • The last database on earth that I want to default to is master!

    If you are going to default to a system database then I would make it TempDB. At least if someone does something daft - and that includes DBA's, you can always do a quick restart.

    I agree that developers should always be explicit in requesting what they require rather than rely on a property over which they have no control and could potentially be dynamic.

  • I agree with Andy, that the database should be a part of the connection string. This is the system that I have followed for most of my projects.

    However in case of connection to Oracle, the syntax of the connection string changes. The default tablespace is determined by the loginid used to connect to the database.

    The application that I have developed works with both the database 'Oracle as well as SQL Server. TO follow a similar syntax in the code, we have removed the default database from the connection.

  • Hi

    I thought the DB name was a basic fundamental for developers! id be cracking some heads (some aussie slang ) if they didnt specify it and relied on the default db for the login. Another classic case is when moving (renaming) dbs around which can alter the default db for the login, relying on the default db can screw things up if the dba isnt careful.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • I used to think I didn't want my logon or SA associated with MASTER, until I tired to recover my server one day a year or so ago.

    Can't remember the full details, but if SA defaults to some non-system database, then when restoring MASTER you are going to have a to deal with the issue of SA's defaulting to a database that does not exist.

    Because of this recovery issue, I now set the default database for all SYSADMIN accounts to MASTER.

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • I used to have the problem that if someone logged in and had no permission on the database, that they were moved to the default database without noticing. This results could be unpleasant.

    If it was a similar database it could take some time before they found out.

    And sometimes they tried to "repair" the master database, if that was the default database.

    Therefore I created a nothing database as default database for all users.

    It had one table with one field, which told people they were at the wrong place.

    Of course everyone had only select permission on that table and nothing else.

    That works fine.


  • I do the same thing as Joachim. I've created a holding database as the default, because I don't want people to end up in master by default. Works well for me, and avoids some potential unpleasant surprises.

    Shawn Organ

    Shawn Organ

  • Like Greg I've been bitten by having my account set to a db other than master. I had a problem with a restore of my database and had the server lock up. When I got the server rebooted the db was in Loading status and since it was my default db I was unable to connect to SQL Server. I now have all sysadmin type accounts set to have master as the default database.

    Gary Johnson

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Sounds to me after reviewing all the posts, that the smartest strategy would be to have at least one Login (use SA or name one MasterLogin???) defaulted to the Master database for restore issues, have application type logins defaulted to their only database, and have all people oriented user type logins defaulted to a dummy. That's going to be my new strategy unless I hear a good reason why not. I still think the original idea that Andy put forth that each application's Connection String should specify the database to connect to is a sound one.

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

    Student of SQL and Golf, Master of Neither

  • Setting the default to tempdb or a dummy db are both good ideas. Thanks for the comments so far!


  • quote:

    The last database on earth that I want to default to is master!

    If you are going to default to a system database then I would make it TempDB.

    This is also what we do, we always make sure that the database is explicitly stated during the connect as we usually have several databases that are used on the one server.

    Russell Bride

  • I personally set the default database to the primary database that account uses (or the first one they get setup against) as I don't like seeing user accounts in the master database (it makes me wonder what they are doing).

    Also connection strings should specify the database.

    But I have found two slight drawbacks with setting the initial database.

    1. If you are restoring that database, and the application does not specify the connection database the users cannot get in.

    2. If you rename that database say in test prior to restoring the current one, the default moves as well (as it is keyed on the DB id)


  • Better add to the first point (as it doesn't read to well)

    If the users have access to multiple databases on the same server, and the initial database is offline (dbo mode/restore etc) for some reason, the users cannot get into the other databases if the connection string is not specified.


  • Andy - Good article on a topic most people don't think is important.

    I have to agree with steven_white40 "If the users have access to multiple databases on the same server, and the initial database is offline (dbo mode/restore etc) for some reason, the users cannot get into the other databases if the connection string is not specified."

    Have had this happen in my environment and there is nothing worse than trying to recover a database and having many customers call me to tell me they can't get in because the database that they connect to as default is offline and therefore they can't do any work against the other db's as well.

    Have to admit, I like the dummyDB idea. Thanks for the article and the comments.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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