Selecting a customer's first purchase date

  • Hi Guys, need some help here.. My manager has asked me to write a query that will return all customers who have bought for the first time the previous day. Seems pretty simple but so far I've not been able to nail it, it just returns all the customers who bought the previous day not only those who's first purchase was the previous day. Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT dbo.orders.user_id) AS Users_Amount,

    MIN(dbo.orders.created_date) AS First_Purchase_Date

    FROM dbo.orders

    WHERE (dbo.orders.created_date >= DATEADD(DAYOFYEAR, - 1, GETDATE()))

    AND (dbo.orders.base_price > 0)

  • This gives you a detail list:

    SELECT F.[user_id], F.First_Purchase_Date

    FROM (

    SELECT [user_id],

    MIN(dbo.orders.created_date) AS First_Purchase_Date

    FROM dbo.orders

    WHERE base_price > 0

    GROUP BY [user_id]) F

    WHERE F.First_Purchase_Date >= DATEADD(DAYOFYEAR, - 1, GETDATE())

  • Thanks dude, works now. Never though of doing a select in the FROM, that's where experience comes in handy, cheers! 😀

  • SELECTCOUNT(*) AS User_Count



    MIN(Created_Date) AS First_Purchase_Date


    GROUP BY[User_ID]


    AND MIN(Created_Date < DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE())

    ) AS d

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    E 12°55'05.25"

  • I'd try something like this:




    dbo.orders AS O




    MIN(created_date) >= DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0) AND

    MIN(created_date) < DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

    I'd also test the other solutions. The only issue I would have with the other solutions is that they do not take into account the time portion of the day, if you are using the new DATE datatype in SQL Server 2008 that is not an issue, but with datetime or smalldatetime it will be an issue, and they will give you the anyone with a first order date of yesterday or today, not just yesterday which was the request.

    I tested the solutions using my copy of AdventureWorks and they evaluate out to the same execution plan on on my desktop (dual core).

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