SELECT column based on parameter

  • Is there a way in the same SELECT statement to show different columns without using dynamic SQL? I have some columns I don't want to show if the user is not admin. For example, I don't want to show the "Pay" column if the user asking is not an admin. There are other columns I would like to show or hide based on parameters passed.

    Here is an example where I use an if statement but I don't want multiple select statements for each parameter difference. We can filter rows in the "Where" and "Join" clauses. Is there a way to do a similar thing with columns?

    DECLARE @Employees TABLE
    ID smallint PRIMARY KEY,
    FirstName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    LastName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    Status varchar(10),
    Pay decimal(10,2),
    JobType varchar(30) NULL

    INSERT @Employees VALUES (1,'Jeff','Bagwell', 'Active', 250.75, 'Manager')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (2,'Jose','Lima', 'Active', 175.50, 'Designer')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (3,'Chris','Truby', 'Terminated', 220.00, 'Engineer')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (4,'Craig','Biggio', 'Active', 220, 'Engineer')

    DECLARE @Role varchar(20)
    SELECT @Role = 'User'
    --SELECT @Role = 'Admin'

    IF @Role = 'User'
    SELECT FirstName,
    FROM @Employees
    ELSE IF @Role = 'Admin'
    SELECT FirstName,
    FROM @Employees



  • DECLARE @Employees TABLE
    ID smallint PRIMARY KEY,
    FirstName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    LastName varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    Status varchar(10),
    Pay decimal(10,2),
    JobType varchar(30) NULL

    INSERT @Employees VALUES (1,'Jeff','Bagwell', 'Active', 250.75, 'Manager')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (2,'Jose','Lima', 'Active', 175.50, 'Designer')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (3,'Chris','Truby', 'Terminated', 220.00, 'Engineer')
    INSERT @Employees VALUES (4,'Craig','Biggio', 'Active', 220, 'Engineer')

    DECLARE @Role varchar(20)
    SELECT @Role = 'User'
    --SELECT @Role = 'Admin'

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, Status, IIF(@Role = 'Admin',Pay,NULL) as Pay, JobType
    FROM @Employees

    SET @Role = 'Admin'

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, Status, IIF(@Role = 'Admin',Pay,NULL) as Pay, JobType
    FROM @Employees
  • That would be the same as using a case statement but it leaves you with an empty (null) column.

    I was trying to not have the column at all, if possible. So that the "User" option would have no column for Pay. There could be 4 or 5 options That I would have where I would like to have a different number of columns based on the parameters.

    Thanks for the sample, though. I didn't know about the IIF function.


  • tshad wrote:

    Is there a way in the same SELECT statement to show different columns without using dynamic SQL?


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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