script to identify logins that utilize the 2005 password complexity

  • I'm trying to identify which logins are utillizing the 2005 password complexity. Does anyone have a script to do this?

  • I use this to turn off password expiration for all users.

    You may modify as needed:

    DECLARE @sql AS VARCHAR(500)

    DECLARE @current_user AS VARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE Reset_expiration_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name FROM sys.sql_logins --WHERE is_expiration_checked = 1

    OPEN Reset_expiration_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Reset_expiration_cursor INTO @current_user



    SET @sql = 'USE [master]

    ALTER LOGIN [' + @current_user + '] WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master],



    FETCH NEXT FROM Reset_expiration_cursor INTO @current_user


    CLOSE Reset_expiration_cursor

    DEALLOCATE Reset_expiration_cursor

    Adam Zacks-------------------------------------------Be Nice, Or Leave

  • If you have access to Powershell it's a three liner

    Add-Type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" -EA Stop

    $srvObj = new-object -TypeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -ArgumentList 'YourServerNameHere'

    $srvObj.Logins | Where {$_.LoginType -eq 'SQLLogin'} | Select Name, LoginType, PasswordExpirationEnabled, PasswordPolicyEnforced | Format-Table -AutoSize

  • Thanks a million

  • If you're doing this for auditing reasons, you might also want to see what happens when you set up an account without the complexity enforced with a password that would not meet the guidelines, and afterwards turn the complexity requirement on.

    AFAIK, SQL Server would have no reasonable way of knowing if an existing password met any such requirement or not (nor should it!), though I'm not sure whether it would for a password change when complexity is turned on or not.

  • Is this what you are looking for:

    SELECT AS [Name],

    ISNULL(log.default_language_name,N'') AS [Language],

    l.alias AS [LanguageAlias],

    ISNULL(log.default_database_name, N'') AS [DefaultDatabase],

    CAST(CASE sp.state WHEN N'D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS [DenyWindowsLogin],

    CASE WHEN N'U' = log.type THEN 0 WHEN N'G' = log.type THEN 1 WHEN N'S' = log.type THEN 2 WHEN N'C' = log.type THEN 3 WHEN N'K' = log.type THEN 4 END AS [LoginType],

    CASE WHEN (N'U' != log.type AND N'G' != log.type) THEN 99 WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0 WHEN (N'G'=sp.state) THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS [WindowsLoginAccessType],

    CAST(CASE WHEN (sp.state is null) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS bit) AS [HasAccess],

    log.sid AS [Sid],

    CAST(sqllog.is_policy_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordPolicyEnforced],

    CAST(sqllog.is_expiration_checked AS bit) AS [PasswordExpirationEnabled],

    log.create_date AS [CreateDate],

    log.modify_date AS [DateLastModified],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsLocked') AS bit) AS [IsLocked],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsExpired') AS bit) AS [IsPasswordExpired],

    CAST(LOGINPROPERTY(, N'IsMustChange') AS bit) AS [MustChangePassword],

    log.principal_id AS [ID],

    ISNULL(,N'') AS [Credential],

    ISNULL(,N'') AS [Certificate],

    ISNULL(,N'') AS [AsymmetricKey],

    log.is_disabled AS [IsDisabled],

    CAST(CASE WHEN log.principal_id < 256 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS bit) AS [IsSystemObject]


    sys.server_principals AS log

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.syslanguages AS l ON = log.default_language_name

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.server_permissions AS sp ON sp.grantee_principal_id = log.principal_id and sp.type = N'COSQ'

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.sql_logins AS sqllog ON sqllog.principal_id = log.principal_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.credentials AS c ON c.credential_id = log.credential_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.certificates AS cert ON cert.sid = log.sid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN master.sys.asymmetric_keys AS ak ON ak.sid = log.sid



    log.type in ('U', 'G', 'S', 'C', 'K') AND log.principal_id not between 101 and 255 AND <> N'##MS_AgentSigningCertificate##')and('My_login')

  • @lee.

    I don't know about OP,

    but i tried your script and it shows 0 rows.

    Only thing i got is column names.



    Sushant Kumar

  • if you comment out the following words at the last line, you will see some results.


  • Jing. (2/3/2012)

    if you comment out the following words at the last line, you will see some results.


    Perfect....i can see now




    Sushant Kumar

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