RunningTotal based on a derived total in a column grouping

  • Hi

    I have a Tablix with a row grouping by Location and a row field Totalling the current employee count for that state

    I have three adjacent columns grouping by Month, based on what month is selected in the multivalue-parameter, one column returns back number of employees joined for those months. second column how many left for those month. The third column the total headcount for those months

    FOR Example if the parameter selected was Jan, Feb, March, the below would be returned


    CURRENTJan Feb MarchJan Feb March Jan Feb March

    WA 15 2 3 4 3 1 2 14 16 18

    VIC 23 1 4 5 3 4 1 21 21 28

    In the headcount I would like the total headcount to be a running value

    ie for the WA Jan Headcount column it should be Current + Join - Left = 15 + 2 - 3 = 14

    In february I would like to use the Value which was calculated in the month of January

    i.e 14 + Join - Left = 14 + 3 - 1 = 16

    In March it would use the Value which was calculated in the month of Feb

    16 + join - Left = 16 + 4 - 2 = 18

    The value I have under the Column month grouping is

    Sum(field.currentemployee.value,"Location") + sum(field.join.value) - sum(field.left.value)

    This is the correct number for the Jan column headcount but for Feb and MARCH The starting value is incorrect. Because the Months are dynamic Im not sure how to do this

    The output above is what I would like to achieve...can anyone please help on this problem, can this be done at all ?

    thanks in advance

  • You should look into using runningvalue instead of sum in you calculation, corrected for the value in the current month (because you want the standing at the beginning of the month). Something like:

    =RunningValue(field!join.value, sum, "YouDataSet")-field!join.value

    - RunningValue(field!left.value, sum, "YouDataSet") + field!left.value

    Since I can not properly what your data look like, I'm not sure this cracks your case. Please check (for instance):

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

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