RSEVAL Install Problem (Server Components not available)

  • I am having trouble installing this trial version of SQL RS (downloaded from MSDN site).

    It seems that when I get to the install step where you select the components to install, all that is available are the Client/Admin Tools and Client/Documentation and samples components (see page 7 (approx) in the install guide found here on this site:

    I do receive the following errors in the screen previous to this one  (System Check Results), but I thought these components can be configured AFTER the install is complete.

      "IIS is either not installled...."

      "Visual Studio.NET is ...."

      "ASP.NET is not...."

    I didnt think any of these components, which will reside on my IIS server, which is NOT on the same box as SQL Server, would cause this problem.


  • Ah, the joys of the RS install process.  The requirement check is one that really bothers me.

    The report designer does require that VS 2003 is installed on the local machine.  As far as the other two, I believe you can continue past and specify the locations later.

    It may also be that the eval version expects all of the components on one machine.  I haven't verified this yet, but since you only had the option of selecting the client tools, I imagine that's the case.  I'll verify this later today and repost.

    Has anyone else run into this specifically with the eval version?

  • I had this problem when I tried installing Reporting Services.

    When I installed the eval version, I was able to continue past the component screen once I had VS.NET installed.  I don't remember having any troubles with building reports with the eval version, but I didn't try deploying them.  Soon after I installed the eval version, a developer had the full version which I installed.

    I went ahead and installed those other components to correct the errors before I continued with the full RS install.  I didn't want to proceed with any problems by trying to fix them later, better chance I wouldn't configure it correctly. 

    I already had VS.NET installed, so I installed IIS and tried again.  Then I got the message that ASP.NET wasn't registered.  I was told that installing IIS after you install VS.NET will unregister ASP.NET or something like that.  There is a utility REGIIS that I had to run to get the RS setup to go smoothly.

    Hope this helps.


  • Good to know.  One other thing -- you can change the locations of some of these things later using the rsconfig utility.  I have more info on that in a later article I'm working on.  For now, just check out the BOL.

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