Result should display only certain information in select command

  • I am new to SQL enviornment. I have question regarding using select command. Current SQL command

    Select caseid, casetype, Casesubtype and casedescription field from table. The report comes out in the following format (e.g) .

    caseid Casetype casesubtype casedescription

    1234586 customercomplaint Billing Customer called to complaint they called at 2.00 PM , they had to leave the message on answering machine

    4578555 Billinginfo water call came at 10.00 PM to pay the bill

    7854555 Billininfo water1 customer called to zxcvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

    End user requested they would like to see only selected information in casedescription field like 2.00PM, 10.00 PM if time is not enter then provide all the information

    caseid Casetype casesubtype casedescription

    1234586 customercomplaint Billing 2.00 PM

    4578555 Billinginfo water 10.00 PM

    7854555 Billininfo water1 customer called to zxcvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

    casedescription field in free form field. (1000 charchater)

    please advise.

    Thank you

  • kshatriya24 (5/23/2013)

    I am new to SQL enviornment. I have question regarding using select command. Current SQL command

    Select caseid, casetype, Casesubtype and casedescription field from table. The report comes out in the following format (e.g) .

    caseid Casetype casesubtype casedescription

    1234586 customercomplaint Billing Customer called to complaint they called at 2.00 PM , they had to leave the message on answering machine

    4578555 Billinginfo water call came at 10.00 PM to pay the bill

    7854555 Billininfo water1 customer called to zxcvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

    End user requested they would like to see only selected information in casedescription field like 2.00PM, 10.00 PM if time is not enter then provide all the information

    caseid Casetype casesubtype casedescription

    1234586 customercomplaint Billing 2.00 PM

    4578555 Billinginfo water 10.00 PM

    7854555 Billininfo water1 customer called to zxcvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

    casedescription field in free form field. (1000 charchater)

    please advise.

    Thank you

    There really is no concrete way to do this. What about if they enter the time as 2:00 or even 02:00. Even your two examples would be really difficult. One has a space the other one doesn't. No matter what kind of elaborate rules you put in place there will always be something that doesn't work right. Consider something like 2-2:30 P.M. or 4:23am.


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  • We are getting data from website like

    'Wrong day The incident occurred date: 4/18/2012 The incident occurred time: 6:45 AM This incident report is for residential'

    Wrong day watering wrong time of day The incident occurred date: 04/18/12 The incident occurred time: 1:43 PM This incident report is for residential

    instead of the entire information , end user just like to see "6.45 AM" in case description column.

  • You try like this

    declare @variable varchar(max)='water call came at 10.00 PM to pay the bill'

    select substring(@variable,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@variable),8)


    declare @variable varchar(max)='water 4.45 PM at to pay the bill'

    select substring(@variable,PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@variable),8)


    declare @variable varchar(max)='water call 24/12/35 came at 10.00 PM to pay the bill'

    select substring(@variable,PATINDEX('%[0-9][.,:]%',@variable)-1,8)


    declare @variable varchar(max)='water call 24/12/35 came at 10:00 PM to pay the bill'

    select substring(@variable,PATINDEX('%[0-9][.,:]%',@variable)-1,8)

    this is not exact solution .it s like hint using patindex you can try


  • Thank you Maleswara

    it worked


    WHEN DESCRLONG LIKE '%The incident occurred time%' THEN substring(DESCRLONG,PATINDEX('%The incident occurred time:%',DESCRLONG)+28,8)



    Thank you for your help.


  • Hi

    how do i add column name at the end

    DESCRLONG as 'Case Description' ??? currenlty it display the information as 'No column Name'


    WHEN DESCRLONG LIKE '%The incident occurred time%' THEN substring(DESCRLONG,PATINDEX('%The incident occurred time:%',DESCRLONG)+28,8)



  • CASE

    WHEN DESCRLONG LIKE '%The incident occurred time%' THEN substring(DESCRLONG,PATINDEX('%The incident occurred time:%',DESCRLONG)+28,8)



    END AS '<<Casedescription>>'

  • Thank you. It worked

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