Resource Governor + MAXDOP

  • Hi all.

    I'm configuring/testing some aspects of Resource Governor, and right now , i'm trying to set up a limit into DOP.
    Even specifying the value 1 (max_dop = 1 in the workload group), and confirming through the sys.dm_exec_sessions,  that i'm currently in the group "limited", my queries still run in parallel.
    Is it possible that, even with resource governor, sql still runs query in parallel when its necessary?


  • I had to research this but found a good explanation here:

    Which is linked on

    When you prevent a workload group fromrunning tasks in parallel using the MAX_DOP = 1 setting, you may want tovalidate this by running a query and examining the query plan. You will surely besurprised to find that the graphical execution showplan will still displayparallel operators. If you look closer, the showplan XML (actual, notestimated) will have <QueryPlan DegreeOfParallelism="0" ... />, and only one thread listed inside of the RunTimeInformation node:

    So when the server MAXDOP > 1, then parallel plans are generated, but Resource Governor limits the number of threads available to the plan to 1.  
    You should see that in the Actual execution plan, click on the plan operator before Parallelism, something like Index Scan, press F4 to show Properties tab, expand Actual Number of Rows - there will be Thread 0, Thread 1, Thread 2 etc, meaning the operator was services by multiple threads.  With Resource Governor limited to 1, when you expand Actual Number of Rows, it shows "All threads" which is the same as running in Serial mode.

    The other way to see is use this query to show number of workers for the session running the parallel query:

    select ost.session_id,
    from sys.dm_os_tasks ost
    left join sys.dm_os_workers w on ost.worker_address=w.worker_address
    left join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks wt on w.task_address=wt.waiting_task_address
    where ost.session_id=75 -- set session id here
    order by scheduler_id;

  • Hey Andrew!
    First of all, sorry for the delay in my feedback. I was offline for a couple  of days.
    Secondly: thank you so much for the explanation and for the links / documentation.   Also, thanks for the time that you've spent in research such material
    I've run some tests and all that you pointed is correct.


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